Monday 18 February 2019

The Weekly Sitrep....Number 16

Afghan Warriors on the North West Frontier

A busy week for sure with the wedding anniversary, SWMBO's birthday, an overnight visit to Broadstairs and various other bits and pieces.

I was pleased to have discovered another secondhand bookshop not far from where I live  - SWMBO was probably less enthusiastic though! - and with the two books I picked up. I was also pleased to have continued with the great figures sort out although I shall be taking some time away from this until I get the final selection of figures from Bill towards the end of next month. As mentioned previously, it makes more sense to catalogue the whole collection at once rather than, in effect, doing it twice.

I was pleased to sort out the Ottoman Turks although it raised a couple of questions. the biggest issue really was that Eric was using a relatively motley selection of old Minifigs for the cavalry component. These are OK but do not look good alongside the infantry so I will need to acquire some cavalry in due course. My plan is to produce a force of around 150 pieces which means that there is an awful lot of figures that will be offloaded in due course. I am also going to base the figures individually as I fully envisage using them for any of the Dan Mersey rule sets.

The Indian selection of Eric's lead mountain looked very much like a case of making use of whatever odds and ends he had lying around including telegraph pole Minifigs ancient Indian infantry for use as native levy types. I rather liked the Afghans he used for some musketeer types and I was rather pleased to see that the range is still available via Caliver Books. It would not need many additional figures to cobble up a force for The men Who Would Be Kings so there is something else to think about.

The figures for the Electorate of Bustenberg look, upon closer inspection, to be early bicorne wearing French Napoleonic infantry. There are also some busby wearing horse artillery and what looks like some early British heavy dragoons (again with bicornes). The Grenadiers Zu Fuss are also wearing bicornes with greatcoats and appear to be from a different manufacturer.

This coming weekend sees the Cavalier show in Tonbridge, Kent. I really enjoy this show as it is large enough to have plenty of variety and small enough to take one's time to savour the games and trade in attendance. It is a chance to catch up with friends and to indulge in a little retail therapy. I have a couple of purchases in mind but nothing major. Terrain is the thing I shall be looking out for, as well a visit to Tumbling Dice - more of which to follow next week.

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