Monday 2 September 2019

ACW Collection WIP....Part 1

Says it all really - but not that I am having trouble opening an umbrella....

Work on the figure element of the 30mm Spencer Smith ACW collection is moving along nicely although it is about to stop as I shall be away for a few days in the West Country. I have based 100 foot and 24 mounted figures - remember these are based individually - on their MDF bases and have also sealed them using matt varnish. A bonus of doing this is that the varnish has completely evened out the basing colour green. As the first batch of figures were done some time ago the colour appears different to the more recent addition. It was quite noticeable for sure. Whilst I am happy for the figures to be gloss I wanted the bases in matt. There will be a little touching up of the lower leg areas on a few figures as well as some boots that need some TLC - on other words black paint - before an application of gloss varnish.

I never thought I would hear myself say this but I have really enjoyed handling figures and using a paintbrush on them! I know I did not paint them but I always feel that doing something to them kind of makes them your own in a way. Silly I know but I can't help it!

I am not going to show any pictures of the figures until I have finished them so although I will post updates the eye candy will be a little way off. Allowing for my few days away I reckon a couple of weeks at the latest.

They will be worth the wait....


  1. Glad you are enjoying the figures, l look forward to seeing pictures of them.

  2. Good morning tradgardmastare,

    The plan is to have them ready for action by the weekend - at least all the figures will be as the artillery need some finishing touches - nothing serious but I want to ensure all the figures are ready first.

    All the best,

