Wednesday 11 September 2019

ACW Collection WIP....Part 2

The Kurz and Allison print of the Battle of Antietam

A detail from the same picture - note the stylised nature of the uniforms.

I spent some time yesterday evening painting the first coat on the bases for the Union infantry and gun crews. This evening I will repeat the process for the Confederates and then will tackle the cavalry. I am using a Humbrol satin enamel (as per how the original painter tackles his models) green (number 131) and am wondering if going overall satin for the figures and bases would be the way to go. It means the models would be shiny but not excessively so. Something to think about for when they are ready.

The models are not quite Kurz and Allison in respect of uniforms but they still have that simple and very effective look about them.

I am hoping to have then ready over the coming weekend and will of course be posting pictures of them when they are finished.


  1. I do like shiny figures. Toy soldier vibe can’t be beaten.

  2. For me I would use a gloss varnish simply because it goes with the look that would normally have been achieved.

  3. I am taking note of the green painted artillery frame!

  4. Plenty of Vallejo Brown/Burnt Umber Wash for the Confederates David!

  5. It is not a bad idea, I think, simply to follow the uniform conventions in these pictures, including the 'not very historical' differencing among Confederate units (e.g. red and even green facings on the infantry, as well as blue), and the paintwork on the cannon (the greens vary from dark to something like an apple green).

  6. Hi tradgardmastare,

    There is certainly some swagger about the style and on the tabletop they look like 'proper' toy soldiers rather than mobile museum pieces!

    I have every admiration for artistic brushwork but it is not to my taste as a rule.

    All the best,


  7. Hello independentwargamesgroup,

    I am fast coming to the conclusion that that is probably the way to go and would certainly keep within the style I am aiming at.

    All the best,


  8. Hi Geordie,

    The green makes a nice contrast to the blue and the grey. I have a couple of things to do to the guns but want to finish the figures first.

    All the best,


  9. Hi Geordie,

    Sorry old chap, no washes on these fellows - it would just look plain wrong!

    All the best,


  10. Hi Archduke,

    My plan when starting these from scratch was to use the Kurz and Allison uniforms but as I inherited the beginnings of a collection that was painted in a certain style it made sense to stick with it. The end result looks very impressive and is 'in the spirit of' the prints.

    All the best,


  11. Where's the pics of the figures then Dave?

  12. Hi. Ray,

    There will be pictures aplenty once all are finished. Everything is painted so it is just the bases and some minor touching up hear and there and the all important varnishing.

    The above is taking slightly longer than I anticipated but it is progressing well.

    Soon Ray, very soon....

    All the best,

