Thursday 10 October 2019

ACW Collection WIP....Part 4

The standard Spencer Smith field piece....

....and a painted version of the same complete with crew courtesy of Old Painter Bob and taken from the Spencer Smith Gallery. I have based the gunners above and the gun carriage is now a lighter colour.

It is really close now, so close you can taste it! I finished painting the guns last night and managed to resist the temptation to start varnishing until this evening. Although the guns have been painted entirely in Humbrol matt enamels I wanted to let the paint properly harden off before glossing the models.

This weekend will see the grand photo shoot of phase one of the collection and I am really looking forward to this. I have some modest expansion plans for the collection - more for completeness really - that I will detail in a later post but for now I will focus on what I have and how I will use it. The first order of business post painting though, is to think about some terrain and most importantly, a suitably gridded playing surface.

I am still torn between hexes and squares but whichever way I go the base dimension will be 4" across the flat sides. Time to look at some gaming mat manufacturers methinks.


  1. Very nice little guns David, I look forward to the grand parade.

  2. Classic gun and crew , love Spencer Smith ACW .

  3. Hi 'Lee,

    Old painter bob has captured the old school look really well and my own contribution has been limited to rebasing the figures and repainting the guns. They do look really nice though and very evocative.

    All the best,


  4. Hello Good Soldier Svjek,

    I really like the old Spencer Smith figures and can see a lot of potential for some other projects I have in mind.

    Watch this space!

    All the best,


  5. For ground combat, I've gone for squares, as I prefer the visual look to hexes. For air combat I would go with hexes, as I think they work better for this. Looking forward to seeing everything finished and some pics.

  6. Hi Steve J,

    The more I think about it the more I am leaning towards squares. I agree with your take on aerial games - I remember the old SPI game Air War using the six flat sides and the six angles of a hex which worked well enough.

    Pics will be up over the weekend.

    All the best,


  7. Good to see this coming together! Roll on the grid!

  8. Hi Ross,

    It has been a journey of sorts but it is really close to finally hitting the table.

    I am really excited about the potential.

    All the best,

