Saturday 18 January 2020

Eric’s Painted 18th Century Collection....Part 3

With a clear blue sky and with light streaming in to the man cave I was able to get the remaining boxes of painted models from Eric’s 18th century collection photographed and organised prior to disposal. The results you can see below.

13. Artillery. 12 guns, 12 limbers, 12 horses, 4 riders and 22 gunners. There are also what looks like two Victorian siege mortars with a dozen gunners (top right)

14. Austrian Artillery. 5 guns, 12 limbers, 16 horses, 2 wagons (plastic), 16 gunners and a couple of what appear to be Petards.

15. French Artillery. 8 guns, 10 oxen, 8 limbers, 8 horses, 2 mounted and 4 foot drivers, 2 ammunition wagons, 12 sappers, 23 gunners and 48 figure fusilier regiment including sappers and artificers.

16. Bavarian Siege and Garrison artillery. 35 gunners, 6 guns, 2 mortars, 10 horses, 8 oxen and an ammunition wagon

17. Bavarian Artillery. 10 guns, 14 limbers, 20 horses, 1 wagon (plastic) and 35 gunners.

There is a further box of artillery and also a whole pile of bridging equipment and wagons etc. The collection over the three posts probably looks a little uneven but you musts appreciate that a massive chunk of it - the Hinton Hunt and Higgins portion - has already gone and so what you are seeing are the remnants.

Once again if anyone is interested in any of the above then please let me know - just quote the picture number and the items and I can then work something out. For the sake of clarity a gun will come with a limber and four gunners. I will not break units up but prices are very reasonable.

With the exception of the Ottoman Turks this represents the last of Eric’s 18th century collection and for me it has been something of a trip down memory lane. Many of the figures I have seen in action and indeed have commanded at some point or another. It has been a very labour intensive but rewarding task and, much like Eric did way back in wargaming formative years, has taught me much - especially about the value of focus.


  1. Hi David,

    The "Victorian" siege mortars are possibly Coehorn mortars?


  2. Hi Andy,

    They certainly could be but the crew look definitely Victorian with the pork pie style forage caps.

    All the best,


  3. A fine collection, even the 'remnants'! There are rare occasions when I rather regret living at the end of the earth...

  4. Hi Archduke,

    When fully deployed for action they were something to see! Next up will be Eric's Ottoman Turkish army of the late 17th/early 18th century which is humongous.

    All the best,

