Friday 6 March 2020

The Spinning of Plates

The man cave used to see me routinely juggling a dozen or more things at once - fortunately not any more!

You could be forgiven for thinking that with all this emphasise on the Del Prado Napoleonic collection that I have been neglecting the other bits and pieces I am currently involved with.

Not so.

Not so because in a couple of weeks’ time I shall be taking delivery of Eric’s Ottoman Turkish army as well as the final box of painted 18th century figures – these being the Prussians of the Seven Years War of which most are Minifigs.

Eric’s Turkish army is huge. Huge as in having its own post code huge. In fact it could readily be split into three or four armies that would still be very much on the large side. The plan is for me to sort them into units and to draw up an order of battle so that interested parties can see what there is  and to make their plans accordingly. The follow up to this is the remainder of Eric’s Napoleonic collection which has some quite unique figures in it and was used in the famous 1965 refight of Waterloo.

Once I have these I shall be sorting them out and will take some pictures which will be shared via the blog.

In other news I shall once again be attending Salute in April (Coronavirus not withstanding) in my usual role of helping the legend that is Dave Lanchester and his good lady set up his book stall. I am rather pleased to be going as it will give me a chance to take a good look at the latest Plastic Soldier Company joint venture – Mortem et Gloriam by Simon Hall. I am also very keen to see the new 15mm figures that PSC are releasing to support them – Sassanid Persian, Late Roman, Goths and Huns or in other words, prime candidates for the latest edition of the Command and Colours game – Medieval, which covers the Later Roman era up to just before the Arab Conquest. Using the figures instead of blocks is something that I am rather keen to take a closer look at….

Things have been quiet on the ACW front recently as the last of the figures are currently under the brush. To be honest I am in no hurry as my focus is on the Napoleonic collection. However, having said that, once I have the last of the figures for this project it will open the door on the naval side. I have pile of Tumbling Dice 1:2400th ACW ships that are painted and based and merely waiting for their names and flags to be ready. I have intentionally parked this collection until all the elements are together so that I can roll out the whole thing.

My collection of Risk plastic 20mm Medievals has been lurking on a shelf for some time but fear not, there are plans afoot for these figures in due course.

There remains a couple of other things I have on the 'to do' list - nothing major and more importantly readily available so no effort would be needed in massing material for them. I will not bore you with the details but suffice it to say spaceships and mightily thewed barbarians feature....

Then there is WW1 and WW2 of which I shall remain silent. There are a few ideas I am kicking around but as yet nothing concrete.

In the meantime though, it is back to 1815 and the grand rebasing!


  1. Keep juggling them plates mate... Look forward to seeing the pictures of Erics Collection, sounds awesome.

  2. Hello (not so) BigLee,

    The plates are at warp speed and as soon as I have the figures from Eric's collection, and have sorted them out, I will be getting pictures up on the blog.

    The Turks are huge and for the most part are Minifigs but don't hold that against them - quantity has a quality all of its own!

    All the best,


  3. Ah, plate spinning. That’s too close to work for me. Spinning plates is what I do Monday to Friday.
