Tuesday 3 November 2020

The Parting of the Ways

The end of an era - and the start and support of several new ones! 

I have been busy of late with work, ship building, tinkering with rules and assembling WoFun stuff. I have also caught up on some reading, tidied the man cave once again, posted out a whole lot of disposal stuff and indulged in the odd splash of retail therapy. There is also another task I am engaged in that should come to light in due course so I will say no more at this point.

Mention of disposals leads me conveniently into the reason for this post and the clue is of course the picture above. These are now heading out the door meaning that my sole involvement with the Napoleonic  Wars will be the old perennial favourites of 1805 afloat and 1815 in Belgium. Naturally I shall keep my copies of The Campaigns of Napoleon as well as The Anatomy of Glory but that will be it for the period.

The books you see above are very modestly priced as follows:

Wellington’s Army and the Sharpe Companion - £7.50 each

Everything else EXCEPT for the Atlas of the Peninsular War - £10 each and the aforementioned atlas £25

Note that these prices to not include postage. If anyone is interested drop me an email roguejedi@btinternet.com.

Meanwhile, back to the ships!

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