Tuesday 23 March 2021

Building Progress

The great slab that is the U.S.S. Benton and the three timberclads. The small paddle box tops on the timberclads were a fraction too long and overhung the angled section so some judicious filing and shaping was needed to get then to fit, hence the light area ‘fore and aft’.

For a variety of reasons- mostly domestic and work related -  I have not been able to spend as much time on the ACW ship build as I would have liked. Progress has resumed and the results of which can be seen above. 

The huge chunk on the left is of course the U.S.S. Benton whilst the three others are the trio of timberclads - the U.S.S. Tyler, U.S.S. Conestega and the U.S.S. Lexington. All being well these should be finished in a few days and then it will be on to some more side wheelers for the river - 4 in all - and these will see the last of the types for both navies.

I must confess that the tank is beginning to run low in respect of my eagerness to get this phase of the project completed but I am now so close I must push on!


  1. Pusk on old chap, push on! So close yet so far. I'm terrible at not quite finishing projects, talk less of starting them, so maybe I'm not the best person to give advice on this;)

  2. Hello there Steve J,

    I will certainly be pushing on and it is now a point of honour that I complete this project!

    All the best,

