Thursday 3 February 2022

Black Sea Turkish Ironclads….Part 1


Under construction - four Turkish ironclads in their original configuration. Still to do are the bowsprits, gaffs, funnels, deck fittings and flagstaffs. The masts are not yet fixed in place and neither are the top decks. In each case it is for ease of painting.

It was good to get in the man cave for a couple of hours and chop up some bamboo skewers and cocktail sticks! The build for these four models will be completed tomorrow so, all being well, I should be able get them finished over the weekend. The two Turkish river monitors are going to be refurbished to my current standard as I am not happy with the pole masts I originally equipped them with, nor the bowsprits. That should not take long but I want to finish these four first of all as the refurb will require a degree of care.

In the meantime I have a couple of semi completed hulls that are going to find their way into the Russian navy and I will to once more think about spar torpedo launches as well some other Danube river craft.

I have to say that I am really enjoying the process with this project and I pleased that I decided to revisit it!


  1. That's a great start David and look forward to seeing them painted:).

  2. Hi Steve J,

    I am actually disappointed that I was unable to finish the build today but Covid induced weariness kicked in! The gaffs are easy enough but require a patient approach and the bowsprits merely need some careful balancing whilst the glue sets. Funnels and fittings are easy enough and I will need to drill out the flagstaff location holes. Sounds a lot but it is all pretty straightforward.

    By the close of play tomorrow I should have them sealed and ready to start painting.

    All the best,

