Tuesday 16 August 2022

The Final Countdown

Part of growing series of 3D print files produced by David Manley and available from the Wargames Vault. I have a number of these pictures as they are an invaluable resource for the budding model making.

Following on from my previous post I have sat down and taken stock of where I am at in respect of the ACW project. I have started on the tweaks required with the rules and have also sat down and looked at the remaining models I will need to build. I rather surprised myself when I took stock of the models I nee to build - there are far more of them than I thought! I have a dozen ships to make and then it will be mortar rafts and flatboats. The latter will be used as towed transports whilst the mortar rafts will be used on a scenario specific basis - mainly as targets!

I was also taking a look at the models I was planning to retire and now reckon that some minor refurbishment should get them up to the required standard. I also have a number of gun barrels to add to some of the gunboats.

All in all there is still some work required to complete the project but I have at least identified what needs doing and overall it does not appear to be too intimidating - especially as there are currently ten ships at various stages of construction currently underway.

Another task I will need to address concerns the playing area - I need to spot grid a cloth I have earmarked.

It is all finally coming together!


  1. It’s good to hear that this project is nearing completion David…
    There is always more to do than you think… but does that matter if you are having fun.

    All the best. Aly

  2. Hello there Aly,

    It is certainly time to draw a line under it but as is always the way with these things I am sure that the odd model or two will be added at some point as the mood takes me!

    It has been and remains to be a whole lot of fun!

    All the best,

