Sunday 23 October 2022

Getting Closer….

C.S.S. Virginia in action against a Union frigate….I will say no more….

Things have been moving along rather nicely albeit perhaps not in the way I intended! The Portable Ironclad Wargame needs a couple of photoshoots, a battle report and a bibliography and then it is done. The schedule for this is by mid November and I am confident I will be finished by then. 

I have been busy taking pictures to illustrate various parts of the rules - it is far easier for me to do this rather than draughting diagrams - and then describing what is taking place. I have really enjoyed this part of the project but it has come at a cost. I have not made any progress with the remaining models although given that my editor will be away for a week or so fairly soon hopefully I will be able to catch up then!

The picture above is a taster of what is to come - I will not offer any explanations as to what is represented   - and so I hope that the ‘eye candy’ will help to inspire some new ACW fleets among everyone that has taken a look at this so far using either commercially available models, 3D print files or scratch built.

For the record I have now settled on my Christmas present. I want to get a good quality 6ft by 4ft blue cloth with a white hex grid (4 inches across the flat sides) and some Hexon terrain to plonk on it.

I will need to have a word with Santa methinks….


  1. The above shows firing arcs. Good simple way of showing them.

  2. Hi Simon,

    Thank you old chap! There is a whole lot more that is currently in the mix.

    All the best,


  3. David,

    Looking very good indeed!

    All the best,


  4. Hello there Archduke,

    Thank you old chap! I have something in mind for the battle report so I am hoping it will be a good read.

    All the best,


  5. Hi Bob,

    Thanks Bob - much appreciated! There is a lot more to come as well.

    All the best,


  6. A nice looking ship, if rather odd. I'm not sure I would fancy going to war in it. was the housing for the paddles armoured, otherwise it would be easy to knock out the propulsion system.

    Have you decided where you are going to get your hex mat from?

  7. Hello there Bob,

    No she did not have armour on the paddle boxes that I know of. The US Navy had a whole slew of unarmoured ships that were used for patrol and blockade duties whilst the Confederates had far fewer. Quantity has a quality all of its own or so they say!

    No thoughts about the mat yet other than it will 6ft by 4ft with 4” hexes marked in white. I have a blue Hotz mat that is 4ft by 3ft which is fine for most things but I am keen to get a larger one.

    All the best,

