Sunday 15 January 2023

The Portable Impact Xenos Rampant Wargame….Part 2

As mentioned in my previous post here are the sentient reptilian/dinosaur-like opposition for the humans. Their weaponry is very bio-looking and from the make up of the force they tend to rely on larger figures to carry the support weapons rather than the mechanicals the humans use.

Reptilian heavy weapons

The full collection

The individual figures at close range. Interestingly enough they all have a Velociraptor-like large slashing claw on their feet. They are really horribly painted and I am looking forward to banishing those garish colours!

After a closer look at both sets of models I will definitely need to get a further set to round out the collection so a quick trawl through eBay will be in order methinks. Then to think about colour schemes.

I am looking forward to this - it should be a fairly compact project that should not need much work but will serve as a good figure painting training exercise for me.

Looking forward to painting figures? Moi? Who would have thought it?!


  1. The lizards are really nice, they look decent figures, I see what you mean about the painting though, they are a bit garish, they should paint up well.

  2. Hi Donnie,

    They are quite nice figures for sure and once I have the palette worked out I am sure they will look better. I shall be ordering another copy of the game from eBay just to round out the forces but other than that they are good to go..

    All the best,

