Thursday 9 March 2023

It is what ‘IT’ is….

The Man Cave - poised at the ready for whatever happens next!

In this case the ‘IT’ is my newly honed and refined project list, version 196.4 (at the very least)! To be honest my usual wargaming project list is very much a work in progress or even a moveable feast if you prefer - I suspect that this will strike a chord with many gamers! I freely admit to being rather lethargic over the last couple of months with only the occasional dabble in anything meaningful. It has been a time of thinking and planning - not in a structured or organised way, rather just a ‘mash up’ of various ideas - but, as time spent of reconnaissance is seldom wasted, I now have a better idea of what I am up against and the likelihood of ‘stuff’ seeing the light of day. I have listed these in no particular order with my assessment of how near or far each item is to reality. There are figures involved and even, shock horror, painting!

1. Samurai. I am really torn on how best to tackle this as I rather like both skirmishes and the whole big battle option. I have 20mm plastic for the latter and 28mm plastic for the former and either way it will be a substantial undertaking, at least for me anyway. I may park this for the moment as I am still undecided as to which way to go but it will happen at some point and in one form or the other!

2. WW1 Naval. I have more or less settled on the models I need so I am currently at the ‘getting the order together’ stage. This will be relatively easy to get to the table once I have the models as the paint job is simple to execute and I have all the flags etc I need. I will need to organise the bases but that can wait until after I have the ships onsite. There is also the small matter of a suitable map of the theatre of operations.

3. Sci Fi/Techno Fantasy - Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel. Around 50 models to paint but usable for many things so there is plenty of mileage to be had. Obviously usable straight out of the box but I would rather get the models painted first. 

4. Battletech. An old favourite and again, relatively easy to get to the table. I have around a couple of dozen of ‘mechs to paint and would need to organise a few bits and pieces of scenery but this would be relatively straightforward to organise.

5. Memoir ‘44. I have a couple of copies of the base game, the Operation Overlord expansion and the Terrain Pack. That will suffice for me at present and in any event, the rules and scenarios for most of the series are readily downloadable. I am going to get a few games in and yes, I have some ‘long range’ ideas but nothing tangible at present.

6. The ACW. I have some ships to finish for the collection as well as a few refurbishments to undertake but nothing major. It would be the practical thing to tackle these first of all but practicality has never been my strong suit! Having said that I have some 18mm WoFun to commission for the land side and a rather fat book about the Atlanta campaign waiting to be read! I would need to get an order in to Wofun first to complete the collection though - nothing major, just a command pack and some dismounted cavalry for both sides.

7. DBA. A chance remark at the club a couple of weeks ago has got me reaching for my copy of DBA (3.0 - the big hard purple one….) and the Essex Miniatures catalogue with a view to getting an army painted - by the end of next month! I have a cunning plan about this and fully intend revisiting an army I owned previously to tackle again. It has the virtue of being simple to paint as well as having fought against numerous opponents over a longish timeframe. More details once I have painted it!

8. Blocks. I am mindful of the fact that I have often mooted a minor upgrade to the block armies. This is still very much on the the to do list but as yet I have not decided how best to tackle this. One consolation though is that once I have ‘pulled the trigger’ it will be dead easy to action - essentially I just need to design and order the appropriate pieces.

I realise that this looks dangerously like a whole pile of stuff that is designed never to get done but for me variety has always been important. The fact that much of this is relatively small beer is a bonus so I will less excuse for not achieving any of them!


  1. Man cave looks in great shape for all the projects you have planned!! Some really interesting projects in their various stages, looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labour, I too have been looking at D.B.A. so really interested in this one but all very interesting.

  2. Always good to have a wish-list, I look forward to seeing which ones you go forward with. Though I suspect that often just after such a list is written, something completely different pops up and overtakes all the things one has carefully listed!

  3. Plenty on the go then. I do like the neat order of your man cave. Wistful thoughts run through the cranial cavity... not that I'll do anything with them.

    Mind you, the whiffling about thinking of this and that and those and these, every now and then the 'Napoleonic War of the Nations' keeps cropping up in my head, along with a solo Hundred days' campaign... Another posting, perhaps...

  4. Quite a nice assortment of projects, lots of variety. Your gaming area is much neater than mine!

  5. Hi Donnie,

    I always find it useful to periodically sit down and take stock of what is on the go and at what stage it is at. The only curveball was the whole DBA thing although to be honest I have had this on the back burner for ages - I just needed a little nudge to do something about it!

    Variety is key for me and after some two years solid ACW ship building I fancied something different - actually ‘somethings’ different!

    All the best,


  6. Hello there David in Suffolk,

    You are of course absolutely correct and I would be kidding myself if I thought otherwise! Seriously though, I always find it a useful exercise to periodically take stock of what is on the go. It is never a definitive list - more like a framework to work with!

    All the best,


  7. Hi Archduke,

    The picture was taken just after the great post ACW shipbuilding clear up and it looks a little more ‘lived in’ now….

    In many ways my approach is like dealing oneself a hand of cards. You may only have half a dozen or so in your hand BUT, there is still the rest of the deck….

    Funny you should mention Napoleonics - and I will leave it at that….

    All the best,


  8. Hi Mark,

    Variety is the spice of life and it certainly is not quite as neat and tidy now!

    All the best,


  9. You need to try and keep the number of projects to a minimum David, they can overwhelm you very quickly. But saying that its a great feeling listing all your wants. We are just big kids really.

  10. Hello there Independentwargamesgroup,

    Realistically I envisage tackling noe more than a couple or so at a time. That means I can dip in and out as required which keeps things - and by that I mean enthusiasm - fresh. What I find overwhelming is looking at a couple of hundred Samurai figures and thinking where on earth do I start!?

    In the words of the late, great Freddy Mercury “I want it all, and I want it NOW!”

    Big kids indeed….

    All the best,


  11. That's a rather tidy mancave Dave? What DBA armies are you lining up?

  12. Hi Ray,

    It was very tidy when this picture was taken but is rather more ‘lived in’ now! I am looking at a matched pair of DBA armies, ideally with both having a large variety of potential opposition. I will not reveal details just yet until I have finalised the choice. They will be Essex Miniatures though.

    All the best,


  13. Like your Man Cave Dave. Very neat. Everything close to hand.

    The list looks varied and extensive. something for everyone there. Got me thinking about some of my shelved aspirations. Damn you sir! :-)

  14. Hello there nundanket,

    Samurai aside all the other projects on the list are quite modest in scope and material required which is an important consideration for me as I am relatively time challenged.

    Glad it has pricked your conscience - keen to know what is on the horizon as Schloss Nundanket!

    All the best,


  15. Ah, well, there lies a story. One that has appeared on both your list and David-in-Suffolk's is ancients. In my case Hoplites, and/or the Punic Wars. Always had a liking for hoplites (300 Spartans etc) but there's not much variety, which is where the Punic Wars come in.

    I've got a couple of underused 6mm Napoleonic armies which I might put on e-bay to raise some campaign funds.

  16. Hi there nundanket,

    I know what you mean about Hoplite armies but they do look good! Punic Wars are a lot of fun and I can well remember fighting WRG 6th edition using a Carthaginian army back in the day. It was a challenging army to use but when it worked, it worked!

    Good luck with whatever you land on and with the disposals!

    All the best,

