Thursday 27 April 2023

Naval Warfare Under Oars

The seminal work on the subject. First published in 1974 and then slightly revised and updated in the edition above from 2003. A true classic.

Following on from my recent acquisition of the Lepanto 1571by Nic Fields - so far a very good read - I naturally turned my thoughts to getting some ‘nuts and bolts’ background on the ships of the period. In truth this is not a new area for me as I dabbled in the period some years ago but did not really pursue it. This is a shame really as the period offers plenty of potential in terms of being quite transitional in many respects as well as offering two very different types of ships each with their own strengths and weaknesses - sails versus oars 

I am very much enjoying this although there are plenty of other books about the battle available.

There are a numerous models available in various scales for the period but should I opt to tackle it then I will naturally be making my own. For the record I have similar ideas about ancient galley warfare - think Salamis and similar - and these are along the lines of making a generic galley for each period that can up or downscaled as required. I will keep it fairly tight in terms of variety of models so that mass production will be easier.

A new project(s)? Maybe, but for the moment it is just a little light reading.

He said, tongue firmly in cheek….


  1. Interesting, again I'm not a naval wargamer but do fancy dabbling, I will keep my eyes peeled to see if you turn this into a project!! I must admit the Dreadnought type encounters interest me a fair bit.

  2. Hi Donnie,

    If or when I pull the trigger on either option (or, heaven forbid, both!) it will need to be very carefully managed in terms of the material required and so in that sense the ancient option would be the logical choice specifically because I would solely be focussing on the Greek and Persian Wars culminating in the Battle of Salamis. The variety of ships in use during the period was quite limited and so ideally suited to mass production in respect of the models.

    I have gamed using dreadnoughts a fair amount over the years - including Jutland - but these days tend to prefer lower level stuff but never say never and all that!

    All the best,


  3. I do like The Battle of Lepanto…
    A clash of cultures and a clash of technologies…
    I await to see where your butterfly will land.

    All the best. Aly

  4. Hi Aly,

    ‘A Clash of Cultures and a Clash of Technologies’ - in many ways you could describe the ACW as that!

    The butterfly is still circling….

    All the best,

