Friday 5 May 2023

Developing the Portable Ironclads Wargame….Part 4

H.M.S. Superb, sister ship to the Turkish Messudieh

The pace has picked up a little and so I have been able to complete a couple of outstanding items in respect of the next instalment of The Portable Ironclads Wargame. As mentioned previously, there will be a selection of optional rules that players can use to not as their taste dictates. There are also going to be a couple of alternative systems included - these were trialled during the testing phase of the rules but for one reason or another did not make the published version. 

A selection of Turkish ironclads - I really must get round to the rest of the fleet at some point….

In a slight change of direction I shall be including ironclad actions beyond the American Civil War so hopefully it will appeal to a wider audience. There will be a couple of historical scenarios included as well as something a little different. No details on any of this as yet - mainly because as usual there are some moving parts that need to be aligned - but it will be scratching a particular itch and also acknowledging a personal debt of gratitude.

In the meantime though, some designs need to be designed for our friends at Warbases to work their MDF magic on as I am going back into the ship building business once again.

Can’t wait!


  1. Fine, fine ships as always David:).

  2. It’s good to hear that the shipyards are open again…
    I look forward to seeing you new toys…

    All the best. Aly

  3. Very nice model ship building David- well done indeed. Regards. KEV.

  4. Lovely ironclads as ever and I'm also pleased to hear that more of them will be coming.
    Regards, James

  5. Hello there Archduke,

    Thank you kindly old chap! They were built a while ago but for a specific reason they are now back front and centre….

    All the best,


  6. Hi Steve J,

    I will be adding to these - not too many but just enough….

    All the best,


  7. Hi Aly,

    I need to get some bits and pieces from Warbases but this is all in hand.

    All the best,


  8. Hi Kev,

    Cheers old chap! They were built some time ago but will being joined by some more fairly soon.

    All the best,


  9. Hi James,

    Thank you kindly old chap! First of all though I have something else to finish….

    All the best,

