Sunday 21 May 2023

“Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!”

Fantasy in 54mm (hard) plastic no less and a terrain pack that has a very gothic look (clue in the title methinks) about it

The types and the poses - they are all sporting rather more armour than I would have liked as well some unfeasibly large weaponry - rather like GW on steroids - but for all that they look suitably heroic

Sorry to say but part two of my planned naval game has not taken place so you will have to wait until next weekend to see how it goes. Time has run away from me this weekend, not helped by dealing with an infestation of ants in the kitchen, organising bits and pieces around the house, booking tickets for a concert - which means I shall be missing Broadside next month - along with a raging toothache! Fortunately the latter is now somewhat under control and I think manageable until my next dental appointment in a few weeks.

Laurel and I made our first trip to a boot sale this year and I managed to score the collection you see 

Examples from the box sides of some colour schemes….

….they look suitably ‘fantasy mainstream’

I have what I call a long distance relationship with fantasy - naturally I enjoyed Lord of the Rings and am also rather fond of the Conan stories. I have never really looked at fantasy as a big battle option and to be honest am not sold on Warhammer or its descendants. Hordes of The Things appeals due to its versatility and the fact that you can pretty much use anything. On balance I think I prefer a more skirmish based approach - probably a throwback to all those games of D and D back in the day and more recently, Heroquest (not the latest version though).

This little lot cost me next to nothing and in truth there is everything I need to rustle up some fantasy mayhem and to be honest they will be fun to paint. I just need to hunt down some rules to use with them.

For the record I will get just one more box - the set that has the orcs and skeletons in, simply because in my experience you can never have too many of either in a fantasy fight! 


  1. A very nice boot sale score, I have seen these figures on ebay and have been tempted but not being much of a fantasy gamer I have never pulled the trigger and bought any, looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

  2. Hi Donnie,

    I could have kicked myself as the seller also had a further two boxes of the figures - one of each set - and I reckon he would have ‘done a deal’ to get rid of all of them! As it is I will need to get another box of the Dark Attack set but other than that I have all I need. I did a little digging and found that the company that produces these - Technolog, a Russian firm - also produced two sets of Barbarians and a set of wizards although how long ago that was I am unsure of. Supplies of these are, for obvious reasons, likely to be very problematic at present so I will need to be lucky to get them methinks.

    I have a couple of ideas for what these figures can be used for but as ever, they will have to wait their turn in the project queue!

    All the best,


  3. Splendid stuff David…
    I look forward to seeing what you do with these… I can imagine an old school dungeon bash…

    All the best. Aly

  4. Hi Aly,

    I have a few ideas to kick around - there are plenty of good rule sets around that would cater for this on a skirmish basis.

    They look like they will be fun to paint as well - coming from a lifetime reluctant painter that in itself says a lot about them!

    All the best,


  5. Now doesnt that lot look like just soooooo much fun!! :D

  6. Hello there Mr Manley,

    It certainly does! Needless to say there are a few plans afoot…. ;-)

    All the best,

