Monday 19 June 2023

Waterloo, The First World War and Father’s Day

Gotta love a full colour uniform guide! I know this series can be a little variable in terms of the level of detail but I have a soft spot for them all the same. Certainly for my purposes they are more than adequate so this is a welcome addition to the uniforms section of my library.

As ever it was a busy weekend with a full day of domestic chores on Saturday and half a day on Sunday! 

Yesterday was of course the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo and as is my custom I usually manage to do something to mark the occasion. In this case it was revisiting the section on the campaign of 1815 in David Chandler’s Campaigns of Napoleon. Stirring stuff for sure! I have not gotten to the battle itself just yet - we are just leading up to Quartre Bras but I aim to finish it this week. This is the Kindle version although I do own a hardback copy of the book as well.

Amazon gift card and a rather splendid crystal encrusted rendering of Chewbacca with his lunch, sorry the Porgs, Fruit Pastilles and a welcome bottle of Bombay Sapphire for good measure!

Father’s Day crept up on us once again and the children’s, as ever, did their old dad proud! My son asked me on Saturday if I had an Amazon list - which I did not - so I quickly added half a dozen items and sent him the link. For some odd reason only the first two items appeared on it - one of which you see above and with the second arriving today.

My son made a Herculean breakfast - sausage, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, toast and tea - for us and we then had a quite superb leg of lamb for dinner followed by melon and mango. In short, by the end of the day I could barely squeeze in a packet of fruit pastilles so Laurel very kindly helped me out which proved to be mixed blessing as the packet contained an unusually large number of yellow pastilles which are her favourite, naturally….

I prefer the ‘red’ fruits myself….

All in all then it was a great day and so to all the Fathers out there I hope you had as much fun as I did!


  1. A nice haul there David! My treats are still in the post, but did get a great Clangers t-shirt from my son, which was a lovely surprise:).

  2. Hi Steve J,

    A Clangers t-shirt eh? It was a great series for sure and I hope we will get to see pictures!

    All the best,

