Saturday 15 July 2023

Four More Sleeps….

Boxes, thousands of ‘em! Note the wooden drawer full of what look like British vehicles in the foreground.

The arrival of the WW2 collection of Eric Knowles is a mere four days away! Bill and I have been exchanging messages and the picture you see above is all but sixteen boxes worth of it. There are the inevitable  cucumber boxes used for storage - the 18th century collection featured loads of these - a well as some wooden drawers. Bill has assured me that in true Eric tradition there are plenty of organisational charts - usually carefully written notes (I have a tin full of his 18th century notes)) - which will be helpful as I sort the collection out prior to disposal.

The plan is to sort it all out into nationalities and then get busy taking pictures. I have a small network of contacts that are into 20mm WW2 so I am confident that a goodly portion will wing its way to new homes. As for the 18th century collection the money realised is not the issue. Bill’s mantra is very much making sure that it all goes to gamers that will appreciate the collection so expect the prices to be quite modest.

I am really looking forward to getting stuck into this lot and who knows? I may even succumb to the delights of 20mm WW2 myself!


  1. David,

    Wow! That’s a LOT of stuff! I knew that Eric was a great collector … but this is huge, even by his standards!

    Good luck sorting it out.

    All the best,


  2. It's like unearthing buried treasure, isn't it?

  3. Blimey David, you have some sorting out to do there! Wonderful collection.

  4. Hello there Bob,

    Sorting this lot to dispose of will be quite some undertaking but I think in many ways it will be easier than the 18th century collection (hopefully!). The biggest potential issue may be with the vehicles, especially Eric’s conversions - these will probably have only a limited appeal depending on the subject BUT would be ideal for imagi-nation style set ups.

    Eric was never one for modest sized collections and I suspect that if he ever tackled the Portable Wargame it would on 64 x 64 basis!

    All the best,


  5. Hello Archduke,

    It will be a little like a Howard Carter kind of moment!

    All the best,


  6. Hi ‘Lee,

    Absolutely! To be honest I am looking forward to it as a most welcome distraction!

    All the best,

