Friday 21 July 2023

The Evolution of a Trireme

A and B incorporated a couple of requested tweaks from me - one of which was inspired by that all round good guy, Kaptain Kobold (thanks old chap!) - but my instructions on certain ares were not particularly clear. The final model will incorporate the hull and oar section from A, with the oars reduced in size slightly, and the out riggers from the third model from the top along with the card ‘screens’ of the same length.

By way of a change I received in the post a couple of days ago two samples of triremes following the first version and which incorporated some minor changes. We are not quite there - due to my rather vague instructions - but the next one will be it. My design process is generally quite clumsy and vague and I am sure that Martin at Warbases must grown inwardly as he sets to work to translate my scribblings into something tangible. Between the two of us we eventually muddle through and I take my hat off to him for his patience!

The final adjustments concern the size of the oars - I have requested a reduction on each side of 5mm as the Kaptain Kobold inspired reduction of the angle of ‘sweep’ from 45 degrees to 60 meant that they stood further out from the hull than previously. I also moved the locating ‘slot’ for the oars forward toward the bow by 2mm so they more central. I reckon this will be it.

I have ordered a single example just to ensure that it is all good to go and once signed off the order will be for sixty ships in total. The rules are more of less complete and the only other thing I need to organise is a hexed cloth (2” across the flats), build a Greek temple and paint the models. Simple eh?

It is when you say or write it quickly!



  1. Martin at Warbases did a great job for me making some hull shapes for medieval cogs and galleys.

    I do like the look of your triremes. Are you thinking of a joint venture with Warbases selling your ACW and ancient model ships?



  2. Hi Simon,

    Martin always comes through and the design gremlins are invariably down to me! The ACW collection could never have happened were it not for his skill and patience.

    We have discussed making kits available but have not really nailed anything down just yet. It is something. Shall pick up with him again though.

    All the best,

