Wednesday 16 August 2023

Back to the Grind

The final two games from the recent haul. They look good but are not for me, despite being interested in both wars.

After a busy couple of weeks with work, the medical profession (nothing serious, just the usual battles with officialdom that Laurel has to undertake), some domestic issues and packing, sorting and organising a man cave that is doing a fair impersonation of Steptoe’s Yard - I am at last able to resume digging in to the WW2 collection of Eric Knowles. This means that I shall be once again knee deep in cardboard boxes, bubble wrap and brown tape and needless to say, pictures will be shown on the blog as I work through the collection. There are another couple of boxes to sort through as well.

In the meantime though, the two boardgames pictured above are the last of the recent haul for disposal.

They are priced at £40 for the ACW game and £50 for the AWI tri-pack. If anyone is interested in either or both then drop me a line or a comment. The email is, as ever,

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