Tuesday 5 September 2023

Time is (still) my greatest adversary….

“Fights on!”

I have not been able to get a huge amount of anything constructive done over recent months, mainly due to work and Laurel’s ongoing medical saga  - disposing of boardgames and Eric’s collection has taken up a lot of what free time I have - and indeed, all I seem to have been doing is stockpiling material and building up a project list of things to do when I am able. In a way this is good news as I have accrued plenty of variety - always important for my wargaming butterfly - so will certainly have no excuse for being bored. Just to depress myself I decided to sit down and draft a list so, in no particular order….

Developing the Portable Ironclads Wargame

Building some more ships and stuff for the above

Triremes - models, rules and painting some 60 odd ships

Another Glorious Day in the Corps - painting and playing

Shogun - doing something with the models at some point

Xenos Rampant - that is what the 40K stuff is for

Aeronautica Imperialis - 40K in the skies

Mustangs - 1944 over the Reich

ACW/Pony Wars/Old West  - Wofun to the rescue

1914 Naval - Madasahatta style

Something for Steamer Wars

Operation Market Garden - using Eric’s stuff, assuming it has not been sold!

Flying Colours - age of sail stuff

Combat infantry - 1944 NW Europe and 41 to 43 on the Eastern Front

Like I said, plenty of choice but as the title of this post says - “Time is my greatest adversary!”

One day….


  1. Hello there Good Soldier Svjek,

    A plan would be good - it is the several that are the problem! :-)

    All the best,


  2. It looks, David, that your programme is longer, wider, and more varied than mine is! At the moment I am working on my WW2 Red Army - which I'm calling 6th Shock Army. Mainly its organisation. But I still have my 'War of the Nations', 'War of the Imperial Succession', an American Civil War map game (probably the Peninsular Campaign), Samurai armies (and campaign), a Haradian border war... And I have yet to finish off the Kavkaz campaign and to revisit (and restart from the beginning) my Byzantiad game...
    So much to do; so few of me...

  3. I am in the same boat David, so many plans and so little time, fun all the same!!

  4. Hi Ion,

    Wow! That is a list and a half for sure! With a couple of exceptions pretty much all my ‘stuff’ involves painting - the ACW naval does not really qualify in this respect simply because if I never made another ACW ship in my lifetime I would still have more than enough to fight with (said no wargamer about any project ever….).

    There is a fair chunk that is relatively easy to get to the table but a couple will need a lot of work to get ready and therein lies the problem for me at the moment.

    I did rather like the “So much to to do; so few of me comment” comment - very appropriate!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Donnie,

    It is good to know that I am not alone in this insanity! You are quite right though - fun all the same. I have enjoyed much of the planning process and although it may not be obvious from the rather wide ranging list there are some quite subtle ideas in there.

    Anyway, progress with projects, however small or occasional is still after all, progress.

    All the best and good luck with your plans!


  6. So true David! Even cutting back on my so called 'projects', I still have more than enough on my plate for a good few years, just on the painting front. Even so it doesn't stop me having plenty of 'butterfly moments' when I go off on a complete tangent! Still it keeps the old grey cells active;).

  7. Hi Steve J,

    Despite the apparent random selection of stuff it largely comprised of what I like to think are legacy projects. There is nothing really new as most of what is there has been tackled at one time or another.

    I must confess though, that I have enjoyed the planning process!

    All the best,


  8. That's a heck of a list! Your optimism and positivity will carry you through it, of course, that's the spirit!

  9. Dave, you know next week, a third of these will be gone and replaced with new projects don't you?

  10. Hi David in Suffolk,

    It is a list and a half but if you look closely there are a few that are interlinked in a way and to be honest much of it is not exactly unknown territory. I am sure about the creativity aspect and I am the eternal optimist - usually until the wheels fall off!

    All the best,


  11. Hi Ray,

    ….and the week after I will be back on the first lot again!

    It’s the circle of life….

    All the best,

