Friday 20 October 2023

“Busy little creatures….”

On the left is the next expansion - containing Spunkmeyer and Ferro, the drop ship crew,  along with four ‘specialist’ aliens - whilst the two on the right are reboxed scenery items including alien eggs, facehuggers, crates, very 1980s looking computer terminals and best of all - sentry guns! The Alien warrior box contains a dozen of them - eight ordinary aliens and four of the specialist featured in the rules expansion. It now means I have all the characters and 32 aliens.

I will be completely honest in that I did have a bit of a wobble with this particular project and at one point was looking at ‘outing’ it, given the vast array of GW 40K Space Marines and Tyranids I have to work through. In many ways I think I looked at it from the wrong direction - initially I had discounted using the Aliens collection for Xenos Rampant simply because the actual troop composition is limited to just over a dozen figures. This would limit it to a succession f endless refights of the film - not that there is anything intrinsically wrong with that! However, a closer reading of the Xenos rules has revealed some useful information in that I could easily make up a force using them. With this startling piece of information I decided to persevere (not that I needed much persuading!) and so acquired that which you see above. 

As it stands at present I now have everything I need for this project - of course an APC might be nice (and yes, you can get them 3D printed from somewhere!) but for now I will content myself with what I have.

The plastic mountain is growing….


  1. Nice additions to your collection. These must have passed me by as I have never seen any of the Alien collection stuff before. I am glad that you are going to carry on with this project as I will be keenly following it!!

  2. Hello there Donnie,

    I am glad that I opted to stick with it especially as I will also be able to make use of Xenos Rampant. The huge amount of 40K stuff I have can be trimmed a little into a more compact size for my needs but it does mean that I will have two set ups that are broadly similar. I need to think about that…..

    All the best,


  3. The beauty of the Rampant series of games, is that the basing can be quite flexible, so I've played in games where each stand counts as a figure, but it might have 3 figures on it. Thus you can get 'big games' in but without changing the mechanic. Perfect for hordes of alien bugs etc:).

  4. Nice looking toys David…
    I have still to get myself a copy of Xenos Rampant…
    I have all the other iterations so it would seem rude not to.

    All the best. Aly
