Sunday 5 May 2024

Bank Holiday Weekend Boot Sale Bargains

Very different but welcome all the same. 20p for the Duggan title and £1 for the Macintyre. 

A short while ago Laurel took delivery of a powered wheelchair for use outdoors and what a boon it has been! It gives her a huge amount of independence which is especially useful when out shopping and in this case, visiting our new local boot sale.

Her chair is not really designed for use on grass and so the boot sale we visit takes place in a park and ride car park just off the A12 near Chelmsford and so is fully paved.

My personal boot sale pickings have been pretty slim this year so I was delighted to come away with the goodies you see in the picture above. 

I have read Count Bohemond by Alfred Duggan but had not seen the title above so was very pleased to get his for the princely sum of 20p. I am rather fond of the crusades so this was a welcome addition to my fiction library. 

The Naval War Against Hitler I have not seen before but for a £1 it was definitely worth a punt albeit probably a little dated.

A nice sized and unused cutting mat for £1 and a brand new (still with tags etc) laptop case for £3 - not that I have a laptop but it will be useful for my IPad and keyboard combo and headphones.

All in all then not a bad haul and a pleasant way to spend a sunny Sunday morning!


  1. It is sometimes worth the try you never know, the thrills the spills !

  2. Always good to pick up a bargain at a boot fair, but these days I can't remember when I paid for anything with cash, talk less of actually carry any on me! Great that Laurel is able to get out and about more too:).

  3. Excellent finds David…
    If only everything else was as inexpensive 😁

    All the best. Aly

  4. A nice mixed bag of swag David.

  5. Hi Demetrius,

    Boot sales are like that - you can weeks with nothing and then get several things at once!

    All the best,


  6. Hi Steve J,

    The best hing about boot sales is that any purchases are not against any particular budget in our house - they are a free hit, which is of course very important for maintaining domestic harmony…. :-)

    All the best,


  7. Hi Aly,

    If only everything was as cheap!

    All the best,


  8. Hi Nundanket,

    A mixed bag? Pun intended methinks… :-)

    Nice to get my boot sale haul for 2024 off the mark though!

    All the best,


  9. Good finds David..I usually don't find much apart from old dinky toys

  10. Hi Jim,

    I was rather pleased with the haul - cutting mats tend to have short life expectancy in my hands so that was particularly welcome!

    All the best,

