Monday 27 May 2024

Humbled. Truly….

Just a quickie to thank everyone that has commented about my news and offered words that have been really comforting and encouraging. At present I am feeling rather philosophical about things and fortunately both Laurel’s and my own chesty ailment seems to be over the worse so things are a little brighter than last week. Probably the best way of describing how I am seeing things is as follows:

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Onwards and upwards!

Thanks all!


  1. Hopefully you’ll get some £££ redundancy money for the immediate future.
    Do you have to work full-time? Have you considered, say, just finding something part-time?
    At 59 I dropped from full-time to part-time work (just 2 1/2 days a week). Bloomin’ marvellous.
    A couple of months ago I ceased work altogether and now, as of 2 weeks ago, I’m now officially an OAP.
    So now no need whatsoever to worry about “work”. The main concern presently is “what will the weather be tomorrow” - as our 2 Jack Russell’s are not fond of walking in the rain/bad weather.
    What you need to do is … errr … whatever you want/think is right. Make the most of life - if you aren’t spending (wasting??) time “working” then you could be doing something that you actually want to do instead. Of course, so far my first couple of months not working has been spent gardening - often waiting for the rain to stop - painting the shed etc. I’m hoping, one day soon, that I can actually get more gaming done. One day …

  2. David -
    I am reminded of a comment by a certain J.H. Blackburne, a very strong, hard drinking, British chess master of the late 19th, early 20th century. Upon one occasion he fell badly ill, as one does from time to time. It was during the course of his convalescence a friend asked him how he was.
    "Well, yesterday I thought I had a lost game, but today I feel a knight and pawn better already!"
    Chess was, of course, a profession with Mr Blackburne, but one can see how a strong hobby can sustain one's spirits! (Mind you, in Blackburne's case, the spirits helped sustain the hobby...)
