Tuesday 2 July 2024

Returned, Relaxed, Refreshed and Recharged!

The view from the terrace

Our home for the week - very spacious and powered chair friendly

Paella night - it tasted as good as it looked!

One of the two tour minibuses…. 

Another view - the coast is over to the right

Despite the sign the water was perfectly drinkable - greasy as a mountain stream in fact (we were around 1800 feet above sea level)

Laurel and I have just returned from a week in the Andalusian mountains, around an hour from Málaga, and so I am feeling all of the above! It was the first time we have been abroad since our Cuban trip in 2019 and also since Laurel’s surgery in 2022. I am happy to say that, aside from some confusion in Malaga airport on our return, the trip went really well and whilst there were no trips to anything of historical interest we are planing to return next year and with a trip to the Alhambra Palace, possibly Cordoba as well.

As an accessible venue our small hotel was perfect (there were only 6 guest including us!) and the owners and staff did everything they could to make us welcome and keep us well fed. 

For Laurel and I it was very much a trial run - she was nervous about coping with the travel - but I am delighted to say that it all went swimmingly! 

Being knee deep in the heart of what was Moorish Spain certainly served to reignite my interest in the period of El CID and also the events leading up to the fall of Granada in 1492. From a wider perspective my old standby of the Barbary Corsairs has also quietly crept up on me - more of which later.

It is good to be back and we are already planning for next year.

In the meantime though, my next post will outline a few plans and ideas that have taken a more definite shape.


  1. It looks wonderful and I am pleased that all went well.

  2. Hi Bob,

    It was exactly what the Memsahib and I needed and it all went off splendidly! Lots more to tell so I will drop you an email. Parcel in the post manana as they say in Andalusia!

    All the best,


  3. What a lovely looking place David…
    I’m surprised you came home 😁…
    I would have stayed just for the Paella😋😋😋…
    I’m glad you and Laurel had such a nice holiday…
    Here’s to all that your butterfly has landed on..

    A ll the best. Aly

  4. Glad you both had such a good holiday! I enjoyed seeing the pictures and hearing all went to plan.

  5. Hi Aly,

    It was incredibly relaxing and with views that were simply stunning! Laurel even said that she wished we had booked for two weeks!

    We plan to return next year for two weeks and with a trip to the Alhambra palace for a cultural delight.

    The Paella tasted as good as it looked and you should have seen the barbecue they did - my mouth is watering at the memory!

    The butterfly has been fully rested and is ready to take flight once again but we have reached an understanding on a couple of points….

    All the best,


  6. Hi Alan,

    It was not our usual holiday type - we are both beach lovers - but this will be our new normal in many ways. Everything went like clockwork and so the relaxation level was encouragingly high!

    All the best,


  7. I'm glad you both were able to have a very nice break and well deserved too to allow you both to recharge those batteries etc. I used to love the beach but these days prefer to be a bit more inland and pop to the beach in an evening or early morn when it is quite. My wife would love that paella but I'll pass on that one, not being a seafood sort of chap.

  8. David,

    That looks like an ideal place to go to relax and recuperate. Sue and I hope to go on holiday once I regain some mobility.

    I’m pleased to read that Laurel had few problems travelling to and from your holiday location.

    All the best,


  9. That looks great David. Glad you and Lauren had such a good time. Having been twice, I would highly recommend the Alhambra if/when you go back. It is superb. Granada itself is a lovely city, as is Cordoba, but it's been 20 years and I can't remember how accessible it is, but it's probably a lot different now in any case.

    By the way, did the other minibus have a number plate with the letters 'FSB'?

    1. I second Chris’ recommendation for Granada, Cordoba, and the Alhambra. Paella looks fantastic! Best paella I ever ate was on the beach in Nerja just to the east of Malaga.

  10. Glad you guys had a great and relaxing break together :-)

  11. Hi Steve J,

    That is the conclusion that the Memsahib and I came to re the beach! The Paella was delicious and the barbecue would have been more to your taste methinks although prawn skewers did feature!

    All the best,


  12. Hi Bob,

    The travelling was largely uneventful although Malaga airport on the day of our return presented a few challenges! Now we know our way around it should be easier next time!

    It was a restful week for sure although two weeks would have been nice - that is the plan for next year though.

    Once you are back on your feet I have a feeling that a cruise or two may well feature!

    All the best,


  13. Hi nundanket,

    The Alhambra palace has to be booked up months in advance as the number of visitors is very strictly controlled. Cordoba is now pedestrianised and in both cases are now very wheelchair accessible.

    We plan to tackle a visit to it (the palace that is) next year and are presently waiting on the dates from the hotel (we are going back there).

    The whole holiday was lovely and whilst I only got five chapters of my book: The quest for El CID, read I have thunked great thoughts….

    All the best,


  14. Hi Paul.

    It was a lovely break old chap and we are already looking forward to going back next year!

    All the best,


  15. Glad you had a wonderful holiday. Lovely looking place. Best wishes - Quinn

  16. Hi Quinn and Glory to Ruritania!

    We did and it certainly was! Already looking to book for next year - this time for two weeks!

    All the best,


  17. Hi Jonathan,

    We are just waiting on the confirmation of some dates and prices to go back and the Alhambra Palace is on top of the to do list! We will also see what else we can fit in.

    The Paella was delicious - as was all the food at the hotel which was freshly made using mainly local produce. The whole region is like a giant market garden!

    All the best,

