Friday 30 August 2024

Finished at Last!

HMS Mimi and Toutou with HMS Fifi (ex Kingani) at the top of the picture

Graft Von Goetzen at the top with the Hedwig Von Wissman (left) and the Kingani (right). The latter has a flag but the camera angle does not show it!

No varnish dramas and with flags proudly flying! I have to say that this little mini project (should that be Mimi project?) has really given me a boost and so I am looking forward to getting them into action and also adding to the collection. There are another half a dozen or so models for Lake Tanganyika and then it will be on to the Rufiji Delta, West Africa and then the Red Sea.

Methinks that Warbases are going to be busy….

First of all though, redoing some pictures and fighting a battle, possibly two!


Archduke Piccolo said...

David -
They fellows do look the business and no mistake. Very nice units.

Mark Cordone said...

Lovely models! Looking forward to the battle reports.

Donnie McGibbon said...

They look great David, very nice with their paint and varnish, be interested to seeing them in a game and how that plays out, great little models.

Glory to Ruritania said...

Superb vessels David your efforts have certainly paid off big time. It will be interesting wargames to be had methinks best wishes - Quinn

Maudlin Jack Tar said...

A splendid looking fleet.

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...


In the words of Gilbert and Sullivan:
‘Oh! We sail the ocean blue … and our saucy ship’s a beauty …’

You’ve done a great job with these model, which are - in my opinion - your best yet! I hope - know - that we’ll see them in action soon.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Thanks Archduke! As ever there was much to be learned from the building process which will be carried forward into the next batches.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Cheers Mark! Battle reports incoming in the next day or so!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Thanks Donnie! Into battle tomorrow methinks and I am looking forward to it!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Thanks Quinn! These are the first of a long term project as i shall be building my way around Africa and into the Red Sea. Hoping to fight a battle tomorrow.

All the best,


David Crook said...

You are too kind old chap! I really enjoyed building and hope they fight as well as they look!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Thank you kindly Bob! There was lots of inspiration that went into these models - I am sure you will know where from - and I am looking forward to fighting some battles and expanding the collection.

All the best,


Rob Young said...

Excellent work - love these boats.

David Crook said...

Thanks Rob! They were certainly great fun to build and I am looking forward to getting them into action - as well as expanding the collection!

All the best,


Aly Morrison said...

They look splendid David…
And it makes a change to see you ‘not’ getting Tou Tou carried away…
😳🤣🤣… I’ll get my coat 🤣🤣🤣

All the best. Aly

David Crook said...

Who? Mimi?....I'll get my coat....

All the best,