Tuesday 27 August 2024

The First of the Few....

Ready to boss Lake Tanganyika and probably suitable for commerce raiding duties as well. 5" long and 1 1/4" across the beam. Solely painted with Vallejo acrylics and made from MDF for the hulls, elements of the superstructure, gun shields and the boats, card for the hatch covers, dowel for the funnel, bamboo skewers for the crane uprights and cocktail sticks for the crane arm and flagstaff. 

No, I am not talking about Spitfires or anything aerial related - rather the model you see above is the first of the few needed for my WW1 Lake Tanganyika project. She is the largest of the lot and is based upon or inspired by the German Graf Von Goetzen.

I am pleased with how she turned out but since that picture was taken I have had a bit of a nightmare with her! My tin of satin varnish - admittedly a few years old - seemed to have 'gone off' and after a coat of the same the model had all manner of dirty streaks everywhere although the varnish itself was lovely and satin. The result was probably accurate but not the look I was aiming for. Anyways, I have gone over the offending pieces with some fresh paint and have applied a coat of brand new varnish so hopefully all will be well. 

The other five models are painted but are awaiting their weapons which I had hoped to have been able to attend to today but for the varnish incident.

I have learned a lot from this build and for sure there are certain things I would do differently going forwards. Painting pieces prior to assembly being one of them!


Steve J. said...

Splendid work there David and look forward to seeing the other vessels in due course:)!

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...


The ship looks fine to me! I look forward to seeing the others as soon as they are finished.

All the best,


Donnie McGibbon said...

A cracking model, looks great and should look grand on the table, a simple but very clever build, look forward to seeing the rest of them.

David Crook said...

Hi Steve J,

Thank you kindly old chap! I learned a lot from the build and so next time the technique will be slicker. I hope to get an action under way shortly!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Bob,

It should be soon - the setback with the varnish didn't help though!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Donnie,

You are a gentleman sir! I have deliberately kept my models as simple as possible and have certainly learned a lot from building this one - including the value of the seven Ps.... ;-)

All the best,


Archduke Piccolo said...

Fine and functional. Great looking vessel!

Mark Cordone said...

A fine looking build! Your ship building skills continue to amaze me!

The Jolly Broom Man said...

Very nice as usual - one day you’ll hopefully get around to some pre dreadnoughts (which I’d be very interested in buying!)

Bob The Old Painter said...

That's a rather nice looking ship model there David. Looking forward to seeing her in action. Your ship modelling has come on considerably since those early days with the ACW vessels.

David Crook said...

Hi Archduke,

Just like the original - and she is still in service I believe!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hi Mark,

Thank you kindly sir - almost as impressive as your prodigious painted output!

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hello there JBM,

You are a gentleman old chap! Pre dreadnoughts are certainly on the radar at some point but I have a few other bits and bobs to tackle first.

All the best,


David Crook said...

Hello there Old Painter Bob,

It has been a learning curve for sure but the ACW ships were certainly easier! The WW1 ships need a little more planning from the construction perspective .

All the best,


Ray Rousell said...

Nice work Dave.

David Crook said...

Hello Raymondo,

You are too kind old chap!

All the best,


Aly Morrison said...

Looks the business David…
Hopefully you won’t have anymore varnish issues/disasters…
I look forward to seeing it in action/getting sunk 😁

All the best. Aly

David Crook said...

Hi Aly,

Cheers old chap!

The varnish is now all good and the models are completed and with flags so are ready for action.

Which will be soon…..

All the best,