Saturday 21 September 2024

Research Material. Sort of….

I am sure the Spanish American War of 1898 was similarly described!

I have owned a copy of this book before but like a number of others it mysteriously vanished a few years ago. I have been trying to source another copy - not with any degree of urgency - but had been put off by the secondhand prices quoted. When I looked I was seeing north of £60 which was a little excessive! 

Anyways, eBay came to the rescue for a more reasonable £11 and I promptly (re)acquired it - mainly due to my current mini-project for DTPIW.

The seemingly heightened degree of urgency about getting hold of another copy of this book, you will have probably guessed, is because includes a useful chapter on the bombardment of Alexandria. Now I am not going to replicate that engagement but it will be handy for background etc. In fact, the lead up to the invasion is also of interest as I may look to weave elements of this into the back story of the Anglo-Turkish War which will be set prior to 1882.

As for the land side, I have not given any thought thus far but who knows? One thing at a time (said no wargamer ever….:-)!


  1. You certainly have a lot going on David and loads of avenues you can go down which is always a great position to be in IMHO!

    1. Hi Steve J, On the face of it there is a lot going but, and it is a crucial but, with the exception of DTPIW it is all quite compact. In other words a lot of small stuff rather than large. Even the prospect of building some 15 ships with masts is not off-putting now that I have the technique developed.

      It keeps me busy in a good way!

      All the best,


  2. Looks like a fascinating book.

  3. Hi Old Nick,

    It is a great read with the right balance of political/naval/military viewpoints. It has certainly given me several ideas for sure!

    All the best,

