Saturday, 28 August 2010

Boxing Clever

As mentioned on more than one occasion I am in desperate need of a new storage facility for my War at Sea collection. At the present time it lives in two box files and an old cutlery box (about the size of two box files side by side) but these have now passed the point where the models can be comfortably stored. My solution to this predicament is very much in the nature of an improvisation but thus far appears to be OK. Basically I have added a tray insert into the two box files made from foam card so there is now two levels for the models. I have also lined both the file and the tray with magnetic strip (actually a supply of Rochford District Council Recycling fridge magnets!) and will line the underside of the model bases with some magnetic paper. The models are light and so having them magnetically fixed in their storage will make it easier to travel with and pack - not to mention the ease of selection of specific models for a game!

I am also tackling the basing this weekend of a further 35 ships and one aircraft model. At last the Royal Navy have their R class battleships! I also note that the next expansion set for War at Sea has been scheduled for December this year so I guess I will need to think about my wish list for when this comes along!

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