Friday, 20 May 2011

Launched, But Still Fitting Out - The First of the Few....ACW Painting Part 7

The First of the Few

Due to a late arrival home last (plus the fact I was feeling exhausted!) I was not able to get quite as much done to the first batch of ironclads as I would have liked. In particular, the basing. The models are ready aside from being mounted and so I thought it was time they made their debut. There are nine as previously mentioned and thinking ahead to the Gulf end of the collection I am thinking that perhaps three more will be all I need to make. The models are (from left to right with the rear row first): CSS Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Columbia, Baltic, Arkansas, Tennessee 1, Missouri and the Manassas.

I hope to get the bases finished this evening or over the weekend and will be able to make a start on the Union ironclad gunboats but an not sure if they will be finished by the time I go on holiday.

I am rather pleased at how they have turned out and am looking forward to painting the next batch and getting them into action.


  1. David,

    Thye look very nice indeed! I cannot wait to see the whole fleet in review at some time in the future.

    All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,

    Many thanks! I will be adding pictures as the batches are completed - with a grand review at the end. I am really pleased I did this for lots of resons - the main one being it was fun!

    All the best,


  3. They look very nice indeed - you are to be congratulated! I've played some really fun games of ACW riverine warfare using Peter Pig's excellent rules, and ships. It always makes a change from fiddling around with hundreds of little soldiers.

  4. These have turned out really well!

    Looking forward to seeing the other models once completed and hearing how they perform in battle!

  5. DC

    Looking good! I'm looking forward to seeing these in action. How are you basing them?


  6. Hi Peter,

    I will be using clear plastic card with a label and flag on the base and some waves and wakes.

    I need to gets sopme opposition painted PDQ!

    All the best,


  7. Hi Kingsleypark,

    I am open the first 'blooding of the guns' will be early July as I want to get all 50 painted first.

    All the best,


  8. Hi Alfront,

    Many thanks sir! I have really enjoyed the process thus far and long may that continue!

    All the best,


  9. Well done - the models look even better when painted up.

    I look forward to seeing them in action on the table top!


  10. Hi Jmilesr.

    Thank you very much sir! They will the table top probably in earlu Jult once the other 41 are painted!

    All the best,


  11. Beautifully done ! I've been looking back through the build threads and admiring your scratchbuilding technique. Just as important, the paint jobs are up to the same standard.

    I'm looking forward to seeing them based and ready for action.

    Steve C.

  12. Wot they all said - well done that man! Huzzah!

  13. Hi Steve,

    Many thanks for your continued support through the whole process! The building was very much a case of making it up as I went along but the overall results have been a pleasant surprise for sure. Thankyou very much for the kind comments re the painting as well - I don't get too many of those!

    Putting the process on the blog on a step by step basis has been really useful and I would recommend doing this to anybody as the support and encouragement you will receive helps it along very nicely.

    All the best,


  14. Hi Paul of the Man Cave,

    Cheers old chap! Your input is always appreciated and much valued!

    All the best,

