Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Back to the Balkans via The Portable Naval War Game

Yesterday evening saw me deciding on the direction of the Portable Naval War Game in respect of the first set of ship cards I would need to produce for testing purposes. Previously I had gone down the road of attempting both the Grand and High Seas Fleets on the grounds that as they were the largest historically (I am not sure about the Germans or indeed how you would even confirm such a statement - tonnage or sheer numbers!) they would furnish the greatest variety of ship types. Other navies could then be added by the simple expedient of copying over an existing chart and tweaking where applicable. The only downside to this is entirely of my own making in that the existing format for the ship cards I have thus far drafted would need a substantial amount of revision to bring them up to the new standard. It will be easier to start them again from scratch and so this is what I am going to do.

My plan then is to produce the ship cards for the 1/3000th Greek, Turkish and Black Sea Russian fleets simply because they are the fleets I own and are ready to use. I will be adding to these over a period of time - I am thinking of the French navy - and so the available cards will be expanded in due course. In any event I have included the details required for the construction of ship cards within the designers notes of the Portable Naval War Game so it would be easy enough to furnish the ships of those navies as yet not covered.

I intend making the rules available over the net in some form but have to decide what that will be. This will not happen though until I have at least one test game under my belt

If all goes to plan then I shall undertake a play test over the coming weekend (I am not going to SELWG) with results etc posted as usual on the blog. It will also be the first game I undertake in my new den and so it is, for me anyway, a fitting choice of protagonists.

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