Friday, 11 November 2011

Narodowe Święto Niepodległości) - Polish Independence Day

The Polish National Flag

I am currently working for a Swiss Bank that has offices in Krakow, Poland. As part of my daily duties I am required to have telephone conference call with our Polish colleagues (not for any "Idle Polish Chit-Chat" though!) and when we had our call yesterday they happily told me that today is Polish Independence Day and it is a national holiday.

A brief account of the significance and history of this day can be found here - Polish Independence Day

So to any Polish readers dropping by I will say only this - Szczęśliwy Dzień Niepodległości!


  1. Don't suppose you could give us a phonetic pronounce on that last bit :-)

  2. Thanks, David! Nice of you to mention the holiday on the blog.

    Idle Polish Chit-Chat you say? Oh my, been living here for years and never liked it. Is it really that bad for a foreigner?

    @Brigadier Dundas - not sure if you would like to try it. Can share the pronounciation with you, but I doubt many would try to repeat it ;)

  3. Hi Brigadier,

    It would require far more vocal dexterity than I am capable of!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Mahon,

    'Idle Polish Chit-chat' of course comes from the Battle of Britain - IIRC it was Barry Foster addressing the Polish squadron.

    I am quite partial to Polish Beer - Tyskie is very nice - but could not attempt to speak the language! Far too many 'z's and cw's for me...;-)

    I hope you had a great day,

    All the best,


  5. Yep, right about the movie. Recalled it now! Haven't watched it for some time but the chatter of Polish fighter pilots was one of the fun parts there.

    You say you wouldn't attempt to speak Polish? Probably not enough alcohol in your veins. Some say it's the best teacher of languages ;)

    Take care and keep up the great work on your blog!

  6. Hi Mahon,

    Given the complexities of the Polish language probably several glasses of Tyskie beforehand would be obligatory!

    I am glad you are enjoying the blog and I hope it will continue to be of interest for some time to come!

    Wszystkiego Najlepszego,

