Monday, 19 December 2011

An Unexpected and most Pleasant Surprise

It looks like the swampy bayous may be beckoning sooner rather than later....

I spent a very pleasant couple of hours this evening in a city drinking establishment with my old friend SteelonSand (steelonsand) in which we discussed matters many and varied from a gaming and modelling perspective as well as consuming a couple of seasonal beers. I was absolutely delighted and surprised when he presented me with a very good reason to get back on the ACW river 'horse' in the shape of the book you see pictured above - courtesy of an Oxfam Book Shop.

The book as an academic account of the background to the operations carried out by the Union on a combined arms basis. The book tackles the thorny subject of the political angle as well how the various plans evolved and the obstacles that routinely needed to be overcome (occasionally this involved the Confederate forces - usually it was the inter-departmental wrangling!). There are several useful maps and so this provides a very useful backdrop to my existing ACW library and also serves as a welcome reminder about the completion of all my outstanding models!

I would like to extend a very big thank you to SoS for this book and I am quite sure it will help enormously with my planned river based adventures.

Once the models are finished of course....;-)


  1. I usually read the Steelonsand blog for its fine information and photos of many Pre-Dreadnought ships . . . but for those not familiar with it, the URL is:

    -- Jeff

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Yes sir - plenty of very fine old photos to be seen over on SoS not to mention some really good small scale kit (small as in 2, 3 and 6mm). Very inspirational stuff!

    All the best,

