Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The Great Debate

Curse my fickle nature! It has been a funny old week or so as I continue to wrack my brains over a solution to my ongoing dilemma. The dilemma concerns exactly what I should throw my painting energies at first of all in respect of figures. The obvious solution is the 1890s Fezian and Rusland troops as not only do I have everything I need to fight with in terms of figures (even paint!) but also the rules and the soon to be arriving Hexon terrain pieces. If not these chaps then the Russo Turkish war must surely feature at some point. The problem I have, which as usual completely defies logic or sanity, is to press ahead with a Funny Little Wars set up for which the only thing I currently possess is an electronic copy of H.G.Wells classic: Little Wars on my ebook reader.

No figures, artillery, scenery, or even the financial wherewithal to start such an undertaking as the budget for the month has been well and truly blown out of the water with the aforementioned Hexon.

On balance the most logical, practical and sensible (not one of which I lay claim to being!) course would be to tackle the 1890s set up on the basis that it would provide me with the tools for continuing the struggle between the Czar and the Sultan but I know from past experience that unless my head is completely engaged with the task in hand the heart will eventually take over and chaos, coupled with yet another half started project (or should that be half completed?) will inevitably follow.

Note that absolutely no mention was made of anything 'ship' related....until then that is!


  1. David,

    I wish I could say your dilemma was unique ... but I am going through the same sort of mental hiatus myself regarding what I do next.

    Good luck!

    All the best,


  2. Why don't you finish up your ACW ships while you contemplate it awhile longer...and get to Feb's gaming budget!

  3. Hi Bob,

    I think I shall need a large slice of luck to restore a modicum of sanity to my latest bout of madness!

    I think a few games on my new Hexon terrain will soon set me right!

    Something will have to give though.

    All the best,


  4. Hi CK,

    It is the crossroads moment - and no, I don't mean the motel!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Paul,

    Of course that is the most sensible, sane, practical, logical, reasonable and feasible thing for me to do - which means of course they will not get a look in!

    Great, now I also have guilt to contend with....;-(

    All the best,


  6. David

    What do I suggest that you do - get going with your fictional Balkan stuff on hand - it's cheaper and you'll get the benefits of seeing something completed.

    What would I do...ummmm no comment.


  7. Hi Peter,

    The problem I have is that a couple of projects have gotten slightly behind due to circumstances beyond my control. These happened to be the easy ones! I am in limbo at the present and so this is the main cause of my problem. I don't want to start something 'large' until the 'small' items are squared away.

    Balkans/Fezia/Rusland for the 1890s is a definite contender though - especially as the Hexon stuff will be arriving very soon.

    All the best,


  8. David,
    Your problem seems to be endemic to wargamers (not excluding myself).
    It's the old chicken and the egg question: does wargaming drive you crazy, or are only crazy people drawn to wargaming in the first place?

    Good luck.

  9. Get the 15mm Balkan stuff painted!

  10. Hi John,

    It is a great dilemma to have but in the meantime nothing gets done!

    I suppose you could say that you don't have to be mad to be a wargamer but it helps if you are!

    All the best,


  11. Hi Tim,

    I have a feeling this will be the preferred option!

    All the best,

