Sunday, 25 November 2012

What have these got in common?


The Millennium Falcon.....

The Millennium Dome...

Robbie Williams singing Millennium....

All of the above have one thing in common and that is also something that I feature with as well. Today sees A Wargaming Odyssey reaching its own personal Millennium - that is 1,000 posts!

I cannot begin to tell you how pleased I am to have gotten this far and as ever I should like to thank everybody that have read and commented over my modest endeavours since 2009. Since then I have covered such a lot of ground and I can honestly say that writing the blog and interacting with people from across the globe has truly enriched my enjoyment of our hobby and that the resulting friendships have made the entire thing a really worthwhile effort.

There have been modelling posts, gaming posts, boot sale posts, ooh shiny posts, posts from life for when things were all too grim in the real world (special thanks for them!) and shared posts where the feedback has taken me into new and often uncharted territory.

Many, many thanks once again to one and all and here's to the next 1,000!


  1. David,

    Congratulations on reaching your thousandth blog entry ... and here's to the next thousand!

    All the best,


  2. CONGRATULATIONS! What more can we say, eh?

    Here's to your next thousand, sir.

    -- Jeff

  3. That's a large number! 300 ahead of me!

  4. DC

    Hit the millennium without the world ending. Congrats and looking forward to a kilo-post of the same.


  5. Gentlemen all,

    Many thanks for your kind words and hopefully continued support - on with the next 1,000!

    All the best,

