Sunday, 4 January 2015

The Painter's Progress

Despite a busy day out with the family I was still abe to make further progress with the remaining RN  battleships - 12 of the last 18 are now complete. I should qualify this by saying that the models are painted and varnished and have the base coat on the bases. I have yet to tackle the waves, wakes, ensigns and names bu am planning to do this once all 18 are ready.

I should also point out that all of the models recently suffering from the great varnish disaster have now been repainted!

I shall be posting a grand fleet review in a couple of weeks and then it is on to the remaining German ships - the last 13.

It is a good feeling to have gotten back in he saddle and I a keen to press on to finish this stage of the project.


  1. Good stuff Sir!
    Sounds like those dockyard wallahs are back on the job good and proper!

  2. David,

    Sounds like you have had a restful and productive Christmas holiday. I am looking forward to seeing the fleet review as soon as the battleships are completed.

    All the best,


  3. Hi Ray,

    Keeping on keeping on as they say! I am just pleased to have banished the lingering effects of the great varnish disaster....;-)

    All the best,


  4. Hi Paul,

    Double time and bonus payments work wonders in my opinion!

    All the best,


  5. Hi Bob,

    Despite the fact that the whole family (self included) have been ill over the holiday period - sore throats and chesty coughs being the main offenders - I am pleased with the progress I have made. There are just 6 more RN battleships to paint and the final 18 can be duly commissioned - which I hope to do sooner rather than later.

    All the best,

