Sunday, 22 February 2015

Making the best of things

The various minor injuries I am currently recovering from are making some progress although one does not 'bounce' as well at 54 as one did at 24! The biggest difficulty I have at present is gripping anything or using any kind of pressure or twisting movement involving the use of either thumb. Even unscrewing the already opened jar of marmalade for my traditional Sunday breakfast tea and toast was beyond me. The man cave is off limits at present as negotiating the ladder and entry would be challenging to say the least.

Luckily I have some gaming material to hand in the shape of various rule sets currently under scrutiny so I shall not be bored. If I am honest it is rather a luxury having this enforced lay off so I will have to concentrate on what I have rather than what I can get to.

I have playing the Chess with Friends app and have also taken my first step into iPad war games by playing the Normandy game produced by Battle Factory. It is quite good fun although I am struggling to capture Caen at the moment - the German armour is very effective!


  1. I remember, as a teenager, building an Airfix Lightning while my right wrist was seriously stitched up (21 stitches) and heavily bandaged.

    I managed to build it just fine but the silver paint finish had the imprint of the bandages on it.

  2. There seems to be sort of a silver lining after all ;)

  3. Hi Jim,

    A bandage imprinted Lightning? Now that would have been something to see!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Geordie,

    Hence the blog post title!

    All the best,


  5. Rest up and take care David.
    Seems to me Caen should be hard to take!
    Cheers, PD

  6. Hi Peter,

    It is certainly proving to be the case so far!

    All the best,


  7. Caen was the first time round as well... :o)

    In addition to other games mentioned, I would point you at the site where you can play correspondence style "Blue Max" and "Wooden Ships and Iron Men"... and for correspondence Chess, I frequent the splendidly named

  8. The bandage imprint might give a good Zimmerit effect.....

  9. Just read about you injury. Some women, I would not be at all surprised to hear she held her foot out waiting for you to trip over it.

    I would echo Steve the wargamers suggestion of and Blue Max. Further I would encourage you to play (I do Handle is "DirtyFocker1"). Other than it being a good game I will be running a game very similar to if on my blog in the summer and would be delighted if you would want to take part. So treat the Bluemax game as a flight school. Then when I run the game from my blog you can shoot Ray down..... you know that sounds like fun.

  10. Hi Clint,

    That sounds like a good plan and I will check out the website for some further inspiration. I would like to take part in the summer and the opportunity of downing old One lover himself is striking a chord....😄

    All the best


  11. Hi Steve,

    'Red hot pawn? I will have to take a look at that for sure! I will be looking at the website mentioned as the old WSIM is great fun to play.

    All the best,


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Tim,

    Zimmerit coated Lightnings? Not sure how that would stop a heat seeking missile but hey ho....

    All the best

