Monday, 4 May 2020

May the Fourth be with you....

A long time ago on a blog far, far away....

It seems an appropriate day to post a very quick message.

Gentlemen, I have been overwhelmed and humbled by the messages of support following my recent post - be they blog comments or personal emails - and so would like to thank you all most sincerely. I am feeling much improved although with little reserve for the present so will be continuing with my regime of casual meandering.

I will not go into details as to the circumstances of my, how shall I put it? Malaise, so to speak - suffice it to say it was a curveball event that caused the crash.

I will be back firing on all cylinders in a few days and will reply to all in due course - but for now I am just chilling.

So thank you all once again - the generosity of spirit shown is very much a restorative tonic - and remember....

The fourth will be with you....always.

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