Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Three Down and One to go

Two Confederates and a single Union ship. The picture serves to highlight the various permutations of build that can be employed from a modest range of pieces. There are a number of the paddle steamers built thus far that will be getting deck mounted artillery in due course and these guns are not from Peter Pig!

 The only reason that all four of the paddle steamers currently under the brush were not finished at the same time is simply because the fourth and final model has a more involved colour scheme. She will be finished later today and that will be it until the Warbases order arrives. There is a degree of preparation I could attend to in advance of the order arriving but nothing that is pressingly urgent. 

Once the final model that should have been with the batch above has been painted the collection will be at 39 models.

I wonder what steps I should take next....


  1. I suggest you launch yourself into another impossibly ambitious project at once!

  2. Hello there Jolly Broom Man,

    Been there, done that, brought the tee shirt.....

    Talk about give the cog a bone....

    All the best,


  3. Hello there Raymondo,

    Many thanks old chap!

    I hope you are well and that your voice has recovered from the football....

    All the best,

