Thursday, 4 January 2024

The Portable Ironclads Wargame - Revised and Expanded Edition….Part 1

C.S.S. Selma and Louis(iana)….Pictured here mainly as I rather like these two models! The model of the Louisiana has a rather long story leading up to how you see it now - she was one of my very first models and has been modified several times. I have a couple of spare frames (as seen on the Selma) that I have found a couple of uses for so expect to see another model duly equipped!

After a year of tinkering, fiddling about, musing, jotting down ideas and then discarding them I am now at last in the position of being able to start the work in pulling together all the strands of what will be The Portable Ironclads Wargame - Revised and Expanded Edition. This is going to be my main project for the year with everything else being dropped in as and when required - this is the reason I have been squirrelling away various solo boardgames - things that will not need much in terms of effort to get to the table. I have a goodly selection to mess around with and with plenty of variety so I will be able to indulge as and when. In fact over the Christmas break I quietly set about getting counters punched and trimmed, cards sleeved and shelf space allotted. It was all very therapeutic for sure.

Right then, so what will this new edition look like?

To begin with the core rules from the original title will be largely unchanged and those changes that have been made are really more about interpretation and clarification than anything else. For the most part the extra rules are very much at the players discretion - they can be used or not. There will be a full set of rule adaptations for use on a square grid as well as hexagonal - squares were always my preferred choice - and as mentioned, a number of extra rules that can be dropped in as required to suit the players preferences. 

The ship specs for the ACW will be greatly expanded and a few errors corrected. I will also be including specs for use with the War in the Pacific and possibly something extra by way of a surprise.

Work in progress. The masts are not fixed in place and this is the same seven models that have sat on the tray for around three months now….time to do something about that methinks! Note the hull at the top of the picture - destined to be something rather essential if refighting Mobile Bay…

Naturally the ship yards will be busy to cater for all this - I still have a number of ACW ships in various stages of construction sitting on my shelf of shame - and fortunately the number of models required for the War in the Pacific or the ‘surprise’ are relatively few in number.

If I am completely honest then it is fair to say that last year I found it difficult to build up a head of steam for this. Various ‘real life’ issues - nothing catastrophic but certainly time consuming and definitely energy sapping - wreaked havoc with any thoughts of schedules or an organised approach. So what is different now?

Well, a lot of the work required exists in one form or another and so knitting it all into a coherent whole is definitely achievable. Now that I have a chance to review everything it is in pretty good shape and a good foundation to push on from. 

The plan now is to formalise the chapter headings - I always find this to be a useful exercise as it serves to focus the mind - and then proceed to work through them. From a practical perspective there will be playing surfaces to be organised, models to be built and battles to be fought, along with the all-important pictures.

I am really keen to push on with this now - the creative juices are at last simmering nicely!

Wish me luck…. ;-)


  1. Best wishes for your revivified project, David!

  2. Bon chance with this old chap! I find that post Xmas my gaming juices start flowing too, before drying up in late Spring as the (hopefully) fine weather beckons.

  3. Hi there Ion (aka Archduke Piccolo),

    Thank you kindly sir! The original Portable Ironclads Wargame was always the starter - the revised and expanded edition will be the main course and you should what will be teed up for dessert!

    All the best,


  4. Hi Steve J,

    Cheers old chap! More by chance than design I have amassed a fair amount of material for the revised edition already so it will be more a case of beating this into some kind of order rather than starting from scratch. Having said that there are a few items that have yet to be started but if I can the main bulk licked into shape this will not be too onerous. I have allowed plenty of time in any event so will not stress it too much….

    All the best,


  5. It’s good to see the Crook Shipyards are open for business again….
    Looking forward to see seeing what gets produced…

    All the best. Aly
