Monday, 16 September 2024

Boot Sale Odds and Ends

As is usual with most wargamers, what you see above will be used in ways probably never considered by the designer!

Now that Autumn is upon us the boot sale season is, for the most part, starting to wind down. Although ours is located in a Park and Ride car park as the weather becomes more seasonal less sellers want to brave the elements, along with similarly disposed buyers!

Laurel and I ventured out yesterday and my purchases can be seen above. The miniature cribbage board I wanted for an experiment and I am happy to say that it worked out nicely, so much so that I shall look to buy a full sized version although, as you have probably guessed, it is not being used for its intended purpose (I do not know how to play cribbage in any event). For anyone that has a copy of Steamer Wars: Hexed there is mention in the rules of a speed track. This is to record a ships actual speed in knots. All I did was stick an identifying number next to each block of ten holes and used the pegs to record the speeds. Given the low number of vessels involved this worked perfectly.

The Bottle Top game includes 100 34mm wooden discs (3mm deep) so as a source of bases this was a bargain at £1 or 1p a base. Of course I need to find something to put on them….

The small, travel sized cribbage board set me back 20p!

So useful acquisitions albeit perhaps not obviously so!


  1. I do love a car boot sale! Simon

    1. Hi Simon, They are great for things you need and things you never knew you needed! They also do not count against the hobby expenditure budget!

      All the best,


  2. That cribbage board reminds me of the weather gauge that Charlie Wesencraft had in his Pike & Shot book.
    Or linear campaign tracker, or just simply an army break-point tracker?

    1. Hello there nundanket, Crikey! I had forgotten all about that! It is a neat and effective solution for recording stuff - all one needs to do is to have some form of identifier next to each block of 10. For the recent game it was fine as there was only five ships taking part and only two of these were faster than 10 knots.

      All the best,

