Wednesday 14 August 2013

Imagine my delight when....

I arrived home from a particularly arduous day yesterday evening to be greeted by an enormous jiffy bag fresh from the Emerald Isle. That well known and celebrated bob vivant, wit and raconteur - Conrad Kinch of Joy and Forgetfulness fame - had very kindly sent me his entire collection of Command and Colours Napoleonic Blocks. These blocks form the units used and are already labelled thereby saving me an awful lot of time. Included in the set are the basic British, French and Portuguese units as well as those from the Spanish and Russian expansions. Conrad uses the simple system of replacing the block units with 20mm figures and many of the actions he has fought using this method feature  on his blog and are well worth reading - as well as being very impressive looking!

Aside from the work of assimilating these blocks into my existing collection I will now need to focus on my side of this transaction - involving as it does much rummaging at car boot sales - the results of which should make for a very interesting set up when ready. I am quite sure that all will be revealed in due course but you will have to follow Conrad and his blog for details.

A very special and grateful thanks then to CK then for agreeing to this transaction - all I need to do now is to  think about how best to use the reinforcements!


  1. David,

    Conrad Kinch is a jolly good chap ... and deserves several choruses of 'For he's a jolly good fellow' followed by three hearty cheers!

    All the best,


  2. More wooden blocks? - well, we all know how you love the smell of sawdust in the morning.......... :-)

  3. Hi Bob,

    that is certainly very true - and with a loud 'Huzzah!' for good measure as well!

    All the best,


  4. Hi SoS,

    Needless to say I have some cunning plans around this little lot - and for the record the number of block based units I have from all sources is now safely heading towards the 10,000 level - I kid you not....

    All the best,

