Thursday 15 August 2013

The Blue of the Aegean and the White of the Paper....

It has been a rather special day. To begin with, it was A level results day and my daughter Holly weighed in with three A grades and a B! To say that both SWMBO and I (and not to mention Holly) are chuffed is perhaps something of an understatement....

The results were of course printed on white paper, hence the reference in the title.

Secondly, a large white envelope arrived this morning, courtesy of Bob Cordery of Wargaming Miscellany  fame. Contained therein were copies of a number of articles concerning gaming a WW2 Aegean campaign - some written by Ron Miles from the old Wargamer's Newsletter and some by Richard Marsh that appeared in Wargames Illustrated. These are really inspiring and contain maps - both strategic and tactical, suggested campaign sized forces (including both the naval and aerial forces available) and even some examples of strategic game turns. This goldmine of material came to light when Bob decided to tidy and reorganise his 'den' and I must confess to chuckling to myself as I know only too well what forgotten treasures can be unearthed when 'tidying up.'

That is the Blue of the Aegean taken care of....

My grateful thanks to Bob for sending this to me - it will come in extremely useful I can tell you - and also to my brilliant daughter for making both SWMBO and I a pair of very proud parents!


  1. David,

    Glad that I could be of help!

    All the best,


  2. DC

    Congrats on your brainy daughter! I'm getting ready to ship mine off to Uni in two weeks.

    I loved the Aegean Campaign articles by Richard Marsh - there's great stuff involved.

  3. Hi Bob,

    Many thanks once again - the articles have certainly given me many ideas in directions I had not considered.

    All the best,


  4. Hi Peter,

    My daughter will be heading for Uni next year - so we are now knee deep in brochures in readiness!

    The Aegean articles will provide much in the way of ideas for my own plans in the region - and they are also a very good read in their own right!

    All the best,


  5. Congrats to your daughter , a magnificant effort indeed!

  6. Good morning Tradgardmastare,

    She has worked so hard for these exams (and was only a few marks off an A for art as well)so the results were extremely satisfying. One more year to go and then Uni!

    All the best,


  7. David

    Very many congratulations to your daughter and the whole family. That is excellent news. I love the Aegean and I have always dreamt of a campaign set there. I shall be following with a huge amount of interest.

    I don't know whether this helps, but this boardgame by Perry Moore in the ATO Magazine might be of interest:

    Best of luck!

  8. Hi Sean,,
    I will pass the word along - Holly is still on cloud 9 at the moment as are her mum and dad!

    All the best,


  9. Hi Sidney,

    Many thanks old chap! I will check out the link re the boardgame. I must confess that I absolutely love the whole Aegean Greek island thing and have has some very happy holidays in the region. I am looking forward to seeing what I can do gaming wise for the region - even looking at the Balkan Wars and the Italo-Turkish war as well.

    All the best,


  10. Well done to your young lady! I know the relief myself this week. My daughter starts at University in three weeks and she is away for Duke of Edinburgh canoeing for a week so when she is going to pack I don't know! All she does is watch Sherlock DVDs over and over again!

  11. Hi Legatus,

    My daughter is still on a high from the results and is at last taking it easy for a couple of weeks before the next lot start!

    Sherlock eh? She is a young lady of uncommonly good taste!

    All the best,

