Tuesday 13 December 2022

The Portable Ironclads Wargame - Published!


It took a while but we finally got there!

At long last and after several minor speed bumps along the way I am at last delighted to say that the Portable Ironclads Wargame is now available!

The details of the book are as follows and yes, it is available via Amazon:


Hardback:        ISBN 979 8 3673 7158 1 (Price = £19.99)

Paperback:      ISBN 979 8 3673 6389 0 (Price = £9.99)

Kindle and PDF (Price = £4.99)

The PDF version is available via the Wargames Vault (click the link to find it)

The book contains the following:

  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Acknowledgements
  • A short history of the development of the early ironclads
  • Wars in which ironclads saw action
    • American Civil War
    • The Second Schleswig War
    • The Chincha Islands War
    • The Third Italian War of Independence/Seven Weeks War
    • The War of the Triple Alliance/The Paraguayan War
    • The Boshin War
    • The Russo-Turkish War
    • The Peruvian Civil War
    • The War of the Pacific
  • Designer’s Notes – How I got to Where I got to and Why!
  • The Fundamental Rules of Wargaming
    • The First Rule of Wargaming
    • The Spirit of the Wargame
    • If in doubt ...
  • The Rules
    • Sequence of Play
    • Combat Resolution Overview
    • The Rule of 1 and 6 – Gunnery or Ramming Attacks
    • Firing
    • Movement
    • Ram Attacks
    • Mines and Spar Torpedoes
    • Damage and Sinking
    • Forts, Shore Batteries, and Offshore Defences
    • Ship Specifications
  • Examples of Ship Specifications: The American Civil War
    • Union Ships
    • Confederate Ships
    • Generic Vessels
  • Examples of the rules in action
    • Firing Arcs and Firing
    • Ramming
  • The Rules in Action – More Trouble along the Missenhitti
    • Introduction
    • Six months later …
    • Setting the Scene
    • Dramatis Personae
    • Blueberry Bend, at the Confluence of the Missenhitti and Yahoo Rivers … November 1863
    • In conclusion
  • Modelling the warships of the American Civil War
  • A Review of the Fleets
    • The Union Fleet
    • The Confederate Fleet
  • Final Thoughts, Further Thoughts, Errors, and Omissions
  • Bibliography and sources of information
I am beyond excited about this and wish to thank Bob Cordery for all of his efforts in helping me get this over the line - especially given the events of this year with Laurel and more recently my daughter who managed, two days ago, to dislocate her knee!

The list of people I want to thank also includes David Manley, Angus Konstam, Arthur Harmon, Alan Saunders, Simon Wilson, Mike Haught and everyone that has followed this project for the last two years. The support and good wishes I have received has been truly inspiring and I am very appreciative of all of it - especially when my attention and enthusiasm has been flagging.

It has been an epic journey for me and I hope to make this the first of a number of titles so watch this space and many thanks once again!


  1. Hi Mark,

    Thank you kindly sir! I hope you enjoy it and please let me know your thoughts and I will be looking forward to seeing the games you fight with them!

    All the best and thanks once again,


  2. Congratulations, Dave! It's great to be a published author. The block army book next? I seem to recall mention of that project a while back...

  3. Congratulations, you must be really proud and rightly so, well done!

  4. Ordered a copy. Amazon say a Thursday delivery. Jolly good stuff - I’m lookin’ forwards to it.

  5. David -
    I've got my order in. Call it over-indulgence an you will: I've bought the hard-cover...

  6. Congratulations!
    I ordered via Amazon and expect delivery in a day or two.
    Very much looking forward to reading the book.

  7. Great to see this finally published old chap and look forward to reading AAR's etc across the 'Net:).

  8. Fantastic mate - Congratulations!

  9. Hi Charles,

    Thanks old chap! I really need to do something with the block armies - hey have been sorely neglected over the last couple of years so who knows?

    All the best,


  10. Hi Donnie,

    I am rather chuffed to say the least!

    All the best,


  11. Hi Elliesdad,

    I hope you enjoy it! Let me know how you get on with it.

    All the best and thanks,


  12. Hi Archduke,

    Over indulge away old chap! It is for the best!

    I hope you enjoy it!

    All the best,


  13. Hi tradgardmastare,

    I really hope you enjoy it!

    All the best,


  14. Hi Steve J,

    Given the way things have played out this year even getting it written was something of an achievement - let alone getting it into print! I am also looking forward to seeing what other gamers do with it.

    All the best,


  15. G’Day Paul,

    Thanks old chap - much appreciated!

    All the best,


  16. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!…😁

    All the best. Aly

  17. Hi Aly,

    Thank you old chap!

    All the best,

