Thursday 15 December 2022

It’s Here!

The softback version - I shall be getting a hardback in due course. Really impressed how it has come out!

My copy of The Portable Ironclads Wargame arrived today - many thanks Bob - and I am hugely impressed at how it looks! Seeing something that began as an idea and turned via scribbled notes, Word documents, emails and PDFs into a physical published copy is a truly great feeling!

It is a curious business this publishing lark. Ordinarily one would submit the text and then get some author’s copies for final review before ‘pulling the trigger’. We (Bob and I) were advised that these copies would not be available until January which was a blow as we wanted to go to print in time for Christmas. We were fairly confident that all was well with the book (famous last words!) and so went to press ahead of the arrival of the author’s copies. The upshot of this is that the book can be purchased and hopefully enjoyed before the author has sight of it - a fact the Bob rectified by the simple expedient of ordering a couple of copies - one of which is above. I am really pleased he did! The larger format works very nicely with the rules and text - bear in mind that everything I prepared was via my iPad - and the pictures look very attractive indeed. I am really pleased with how it has turned out.

I have plans for taking the concept forward in time but for now I am looking forward to seeing how gamers find the book and seeing what they do with the rules. For now though, I have a few models to finish off for the ACW collection so will look to do this over the Christmas break as I have now finished work until January. I would love to be able to say that I am looking forward to the rest but the Memsahib has other ideas on the subject….


  1. It must be great for you to have a physical copy in your hands after all your hard work etc. With the current mail strikes and huge backlog of parcels etc, I'm putting off ordering anything until at least after Xmas. My latest RHS magazine arrived 3 weeks late!!!

  2. Great work mate. Hope the cash dollars start flowing in and that you are able to stand the thought of others tinkering with your finally wrought rules! Lol.

  3. David,

    It was a pleasure working with you to produce this book … and it has turned out to look even better in reality than it did on the computer screen.

    Have a great Christmas,


  4. Mine arrived from Amazon yesterday. A most enjoyable read so far. A snowy day with little to do allows me to read further today. Are the mdf bits commercially available from Warbases but?

  5. Hi Steve J,

    I must admit to being really taken by the physical copy and I am looking forward to adding a hardback version in due course. In many ways it has served to open a potential Pandora’s Box of follow on ideas but for now I just wasn’t to wind down a little, finish a few more models and think about next year!

    All the best,


  6. Hi JBM,

    The cash dollars will be modest so the order fr the Ferrari is still on hold! I would actively encourage anyone to have a play and a tinker - all adds to the fun!

    All the best,


  7. Hi Bob,

    At the risk of being mawkish I can safely say it would never have happened were it not for your support, encouragement and advice along the way! I am looking forward to future collaborations for sure and yes, it looks much better in the flesh!

    Have a great Christmas!

    All the best,


  8. Hello there Good Soldier,

    The question is have you been a good boy over the year? He knows you know! :-)

    All the best,


  9. Hi tradgardmastare,

    Thanks old chap - I hope you continue to enjoy it and have a dabble yourself! I will be in contact with Warbases as we have spoken about this previously. Let’s hope it proves to a popular option for them!

    All the best,


  10. Congratulations David - thrilled for you!

  11. I assume like a number of publishers you will be producing a limited edition leather bound collectors edition… printed on velum 😁

    Looks good…
    All the best. Aly

  12. Hi Paul,

    Thank you kindly old chap!

    All the best,


  13. Hi Aly,

    A limited edition leather bound collectors edition hand scribed on vellum by some monks would be a nice touch - I reckon around a hundred subscribers and a TV launch would work well - how much do you reckon?

    All the best,

