Sunday 18 December 2022

Last Steps, First Steps

Waiting on fitting out and then it will be the great mast fest to finish off. The sailing rig for all of these is assembled and so merely needs painting and fixing in place - this is not difficult, just time consuming. You can just about make out the next three models in the top right of the picture, the final two have yet to be started.

Now that the Portable Ironclads Wargame is out in the world and the last of the models I wanted to build are close to completion I am now thinking more and more about what comes next. I have mentioned previously that I have a number of options to think and so it is simply a case of deciding which one and then cracking on with it. In the meantime though, I certainly want to get a few games in whilst finalising plans and from choice these will probably be very different to what I will eventually be settling down with.

I want get my Samurai head on for next year so the boxes of 28mm and 20mm figures will get some attention although this will not be hitting the tabletop until the middle of the year at least. Methinks I will be very much going back to school in respect of painting figures as my technique has not evolved since about 1972!

For now though, there is the small matter of a dozen ACW ships that have been earmarked for the collection. Seven of these are very well advanced as you can see in the picture above. Of these there are three for the Union and four for the Confederates. Of the final five the Union get a single models whilst the Confederates get the rest. This little lot will take the collection to 72 in all. I will need to build some mortar rafts and possibly some flatboats but that can wait until the new year as a kind of tidying up exercise.

Onwards and upwards as they say!

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