Tuesday 20 December 2022

Forests of Masts and Spars

Work in progress

Progress thus far at this stage has been pleasurably easy - no rush, just dabbling as and when the domestic schedule permits - and so I am now at the tipping point of the seven models you see above. The guns will be mounted this evening (they are the white sticks - top left by the superglue) after having been painted and then the hulls are complete. The cutting mat at the top contains the masts for the three fully rigged types (the three hulls on the left of the picture) whilst the masts for the four other gunboats are currently placed in a hull template for ease of handling whilst painting. I will varnish the completed hulls first before adding the masts as it protects the finish during the sometimes quite physical tussle involved in placing the masts.

Should all be done by Christmas in any event.


  1. Hi Ray,

    Thank you old chap! The gun barrels are now in place so now it is just painting 17 masts and 3 bowsprits to go….

    Should be done by Friday!

    All the best,


  2. Wow I’m impressed by your focus and commitment to this project. It encourages me to dig out some of my own plans.

  3. You are so well organised, like a miniature ship building production line!! I am enjoying seeing how your fleets take shape, a real interesting set of posts.

  4. Hi there Martin,

    If I am honest I am surprised that I managed to stick with this - my track record for starting project is enviable, finishing them rather less so! Dig out your plans and chip away at them because every journey starts with a single step!

    All the best and thanks,


  5. Hi Donnie.

    “You are so well organised” - if only that were true! Of necessity the masts have to be organised and in truth these have been in this position for several weeks now. I am delighted you are enjoying the posts and for sure there will be more of them.

    All the best and thanks,


  6. Wishing you a Merry Christmast, David. (See what I did there?)

    Regards, Chris.

  7. Hi Chris,

    And to you old chap and yes, I did see what you did there!

    All the best,

