Saturday 24 December 2022

“I Saw Seven Ships Come Sailing By….”

I was hoping to get them flagged and varnished before Christmas but time was against me. The two at the top are both for the Union - another frigate and a sloop. For the Confederates there is a commerce raiding sloop and four gunboats - these are more coastal/seagoing types with the two with white paddle boxes being earmarked for something rather special in the new year….

Not quite the Three Ships of the famous Christmas Carol but in honour of the festive season it was the best I could do at short notice!

The latest additions to the ACW collection consist of a frigate and sloop for the Union and a sloop and four gunboats for the Confederates. I have six more models to build - three of which are half built anyway - and that will be it for now for the main combatants. I will look to build some mortar rafts and flat boats next month but anything more exotic will have to wait. I want to fight a few games with the rules and am looking to get a larger cloth organised to do so. I am also looking forward to getting some terrain pieces made.

It has been quite a year. Laurel and her major surgery, yours truly adjusting to working from home in a new job coupled with caring duties, my daughter dislocating her knee last weekend and the small matter of completing and getting published The Portable Ironclads Wargame. Phew, and then some! Mercifully I have gotten over the four week long chesty cough that really knocked the stuffing out of me and so am looking forward to Christmas with the family and just kicking back with some good food and drink, some trashy TV, some family board games and thinking about nothing much.

However you choose to spend the Christmas season I wish you peace and goodwill and hope to see you all in the new year!

Merry Christmas.

All the best,



  1. Hi there Jonathan,

    Compliments of the season to you as well sir!

    All the best,


  2. Hi Tony,

    And to you and yours old chap!

    All the best,


  3. Superb looking vessels, as usual, David. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. They look grea5 David! Have a Happy Christmas!

  5. You have and your family have had quite a year to deal with for sure. Fingers crossed for 2023! Wishing all of you and very Merry Xmas and hope you all have a lovely time and can re-charge the batteries etc.

  6. Your new additions are looking very nice, looking forward to more inspirational posts in the new year, all the best for the festivities.

  7. They are looking good David…
    But now it is time to put your feet up and relax…
    Merry Christmas old chap.

    All the best. Aly

  8. Hope you're having a great Xmas David, you deserve that after such a busy year!
    Looking forward to some Ironclad battle reports in the new year..

  9. Hello there Archduke,

    Compliments of the season to you as well old chap and thank you for kind comment re the ships!

    All the best,


  10. Hi Peter,

    Thank you old chap and have a great Christmas as well!

    All the best,


  11. Hi Steve J,

    Thank you kindly sir - much appreciated! It has been a year for sure so let us hope that 2023 is better for us all!

    The batteries are currently on charge…..

    All the best,


  12. Hi Donnie,

    Many thanks old chap - very much appreciated and I am constantly humbled by the kind words and encouragement I have received during the life of this project.

    All the best for Christmas and the new year,


  13. Hi Aly,

    God bless you old chap! The feet have been up a little and the food coma is finally abating….

    All the best old friend,


  14. Hello there David,

    Seasons greetings to you old chap! It has been a year for sure but hopefully the next will be better for us all.

    Plenty of ironclad action to come as my few days away from the man cave have served to help recharge the creative spleen somewhat!

    All the best and thanks once again,

