Tuesday 27 December 2022

The Return of the Seven

The Union gained an “Old Navy” frigate and a modern sloop. the collection now has two frigates, two old and two new sloops.

The Confederates gain a new commerce raiding sloop and four ocean going gunboats - ideal for coastal operations.

After a couple of minor varnish dramas and some fiddly touching up, the next seven ships for the ACW collection are now completed and ready to join their respective fleets. I set myself a goal of finishing the final six models before the end of the year but somehow think I am not going to make that! Still, after all is said and done the collection now sits at sixty six models with enough diversity of types to satisfy a wide range of potential scenarios.

If I am honest I think that I may have overstretched myself with this lot - working on three or four models at a time is probably more than sufficient - as seven ships really took a lot longer than if I had worked on them as a three and a four. Still, they are completed and will be seeing service soon….

Sales of the Portable Ironclads Wargame continue at a steady rate so many, many thanks to all that have supported this endeavour. I hope that the wait was worth it!


  1. Hi Ray,

    Thank you kindly sir!

    All the best,


  2. These look ship shape and Bristol fashion! Splendid work.
    Alan Tradgardland

  3. Hi Mark,

    Thank you old chap! I just wish I could churn these out as quickly as you do the PW armies!

    All the very best old friend!


  4. Hello there Mr G,

    Most kind old boy! There were a few dramas long the way but the end result looks fine!

    Looking to get some games in very soon.

    All the best,


  5. Hi Steve J,

    As ever, you are too kind - many thanks old chap!

    All the best,


  6. Lovely new toys David…
    And a splendid book …well worth the wait.

    All the best. Aly

  7. Hi Aly,

    Thank you old chap - on both counts!

    All the best,

