Monday 8 May 2023

Back in the Building Business….Part 2

The gun barrels are added after painting and I only realised that I had not drilled out the hole for the flagpole when I uploaded the picture!

This afternoon was blizzard of chopping up bits of balsa wood and sticking (an unsticking) card with the result you see above. I shall be sealing the model this evening and undercoating tomorrow. Painting will the work of a single session and once finished the gun barrels and all important flagpole can be added. I have a specific scenario in mind for this model and am planning to fight the action over next weekend. No clues other than the fact that a fort will be appearing….


  1. Splendid construction work David…
    I am looking forward to seeing the finished product…

    All the best. Aly

  2. Excellent little model! Very effective.

  3. Hello there Aly,

    Thank you kindly sir! I sealed the model yesterday so am undercoating it this morning. Painting will be pretty quick so it will be ready for the fun at the weekend so watch this space!

    All the best,


  4. Hello there nundanket,

    Cheers old boy! It does the job and is stylistically in tune with the standard of the models which is what I wanted.

    My only issue now is what colour to paint it.

    Oh, and does have a name which will appear in the after action report once I have fought the battle this weekend.

    All the best,

